Huckabee lying (again)..Sucking up to Big Oil
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:15 pm
Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee falsely claimed "not one drop of oil was spilled" during Hurricane Katrina
Summary: On Fox & Friends, Mike Huckabee falsely asserted, "When Katrina, a Cat-5 hurricane, hit the Gulf Coast, not one drop of oil was spilled off of those rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico."
"In fact, according to a 2007 report prepared for the U.S. Minerals Management Service by the international consulting firm Det Norske Veritas, damage related to Hurricane Katrina resulted in 70 spills from outer continental shelf structures with a total volume of approximately 11,104 barrels of oil and petroleum products, including damage to 27 platforms and rigs that resulted in the spilling of approximately 3,433 barrels of petroleum products and 2,252 barrels of crude oil and compensate. Damage to 43 pipelines resulted in the spilling of approximately 5,419 barrels of oil and petroleum products."
Summary: On Fox & Friends, Mike Huckabee falsely asserted, "When Katrina, a Cat-5 hurricane, hit the Gulf Coast, not one drop of oil was spilled off of those rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico."
"In fact, according to a 2007 report prepared for the U.S. Minerals Management Service by the international consulting firm Det Norske Veritas, damage related to Hurricane Katrina resulted in 70 spills from outer continental shelf structures with a total volume of approximately 11,104 barrels of oil and petroleum products, including damage to 27 platforms and rigs that resulted in the spilling of approximately 3,433 barrels of petroleum products and 2,252 barrels of crude oil and compensate. Damage to 43 pipelines resulted in the spilling of approximately 5,419 barrels of oil and petroleum products."