You Know a Country is in Trouble When...

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You Know a Country is in Trouble When...

Post by Dardedar »

Baghdad Burning


Friday, December 29, 2006

End of Another Year...
You know your country is in trouble when:

1. The UN has to open a special branch just to keep track of the chaos and bloodshed, UNAMI.
2. Abovementioned branch cannot be run from your country.
3. The politicians who worked to put your country in this sorry state can no longer be found inside of, or anywhere near, its borders.
4. The only thing the US and Iran can agree about is the deteriorating state of your nation.
5. An 8-year war and 13-year blockade are looking like the country's 'Golden Years'.
6. Your country is purportedly 'selling' 2 million barrels of oil a day, but you are standing in line for 4 hours for black market gasoline for the generator.
7. For every 5 hours of no electricity, you get one hour of public electricity and then the government announces it's going to cut back on providing that hour.
8. Politicians who supported the war spend tv time debating whether it is 'sectarian bloodshed' or 'civil war'.
9. People consider themselves lucky if they can actually identify the corpse of the relative that's been missing for two weeks.

A day in the life of the average Iraqi has been reduced to identifying corpses, avoiding car bombs and attempting to keep track of which family members have been detained, which ones have been exiled and which ones have been abducted.

2006 has been, decidedly, the worst year yet. No- really. The magnitude of this war and occupation is only now hitting the country full force. It's like having a big piece of hard, dry earth you are determined to break apart. You drive in the first stake in the form of an infrastructure damaged with missiles and the newest in arms technology, the first cracks begin to form. Several smaller stakes come in the form of politicians like Chalabi, Al Hakim, Talbani, Pachachi, Allawi and Maliki. The cracks slowly begin to multiply and stretch across the once solid piece of earth, reaching out towards its edges like so many skeletal hands. And you apply pressure. You surround it from all sides and push and pull. Slowly, but surely, it begins coming apart- a chip here, a chunk there.

That is Iraq right now. The Americans have done a fine job of working to break it apart. This last year has nearly everyone convinced that that was the plan right from the start. There were too many blunders for them to actually have been, simply, blunders. The 'mistakes' were too catastrophic. The people the Bush administration chose to support and promote were openly and publicly terrible- from the conman and embezzler Chalabi, to the terrorist Jaffari, to the militia man Maliki. The decisions, like disbanding the Iraqi army, abolishing the original constitution, and allowing militias to take over Iraqi security were too damaging to be anything but intentional.

The question now is, but why? I really have been asking myself that these last few days. What does America possibly gain by damaging Iraq to this extent? I'm certain only raving idiots still believe this war and occupation were about WMD or an actual fear of Saddam.

Al Qaeda? That's laughable. Bush has effectively created more terrorists in Iraq these last 4 years than Osama could have created in 10 different terrorist camps in the distant hills of Afghanistan. Our children now play games of 'sniper' and 'jihadi', pretending that one hit an American soldier between the eyes and this one overturned a Humvee.

This last year especially has been a turning point. Nearly every Iraqi has lost so much. So much. There's no way to describe the loss we've experienced with this war and occupation. There are no words to relay the feelings that come with the knowledge that daily almost 40 corpses are found in different states of decay and mutilation. There is no compensation for the dense, black cloud of fear that hangs over the head of every Iraqi. Fear of things so out of ones hands, it borders on the ridiculous- like whether your name is 'too Sunni' or 'too Shia'. Fear of the larger things- like the Americans in the tank, the police patrolling your area in black bandanas and green banners, and the Iraqi soldiers wearing black masks at the checkpoint.

...the rest...

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Pointless Vitriol

Post by Tony »

Yeah, good times.
I fondly remember writing a column way back when I was one of a few folks opposing the war before and right after it began. What a bunch of unpatriotic whacko's we were then! Glad the country has finally come around.
I wish I had some fantastic recommendation for how best to end this American made disaster. But instead of anything constructive, and despite my best intentions, the phrase "See, I told you so" just keeps wracking my brain.
Praise Jesus and pass the ammo.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Tony - me, too. I saw it coming. I wrote letters to the editors about it (before I gave up and focused on saving social security from privatization). I watched each "unpatriotic" prediction come true with a sick feeling in my stomach. "I told you so" doesn't come anywhere near making it better. I wish I'd been wrong. I don't like being right when right is so much death, pain, and destruction. But we did tell them so. Now they want us to pull their chestnuts out of the fire. We can't. The only thing we can say is to pull the troops out of the fire. Bring them home. Iraq will continue to crater. It will get worse because the sides shooting at each other will not be taking time out from their civil war to shoot Americans - the only point they seem to agree on is that killing Americans is a good idea. Ultimately the civil war will be over, but it can't even start to get over until we get out. Colin Powell misquoted the pottery barn rule - if you break it, you pay for it. When he said "you own it" he re-enforced all kinds of nasty neocon ideas. They want to own it - always have - and the only way they can own it is to totally destroy what was there. Yes, it was deliberate. Combine the neocon desire to "own" Iraqi oil and the end-timer desire to start armageddon (so they can get "raptured" out of here) and you have the Bush Administration M.E. policy.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Dardedar »

Conservatives want to destroy Iran next:


The ad at the website reads:
At this point, there are few courses of action that could
save Iran. Maybe Ahmadinejad will give up his quest
for nuclear weapons. Not likely. Or maybe the young
people in Iran, who realize what he is doing to their
country, will overthrow the little terrorist dictator and
save the day. I’m not holding my breath on that one
either. Well shoot…that pretty much leaves us with the
third option, as illustrated on this shirt!
Can't think of any other choice eh?
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

If you start from the premise that W is trying to start armageddon and Cheney is trying to get power over M.E. oil (which I do), then what follows is perfectly predictable - we will "talk" to anybody who isn't in the M.E. and doesn't have oil (N. Korea), and attack anybody who is and does (Iraq, Iran).

Iran has said over and over again their program is for power plants. The leader of Iran knows they only have one commodity - oil - and that sooner or later (at the rate the U.S. - and now China - uses it, it will be sooner) it will run out. He is preparing for that. I think he's stupid to go for expensive, years to build, and "what the heck do we do with the waste" nuclear instead of a solar/wind combination that his country is beautifully suited for, but that's another issue. By saying, "You're a liar, you're making bombs and we're going to get you if you don't stop" W's insured there will be no inspections to see whether or not Iran IS making bombs. In fact, considering that W has more than once ordered acts of war against Iran in the last year alone, if the leader of Iran were as determined to start armageddon as W is, they would have already declared war against us (which is what W is trying for). That they haven't shows intelligence on the part of their leaders and gives them much more credence with the world in general than the U.S. has at the moment.

People who buy that T-shirt however, are faux news junkies and will never understand that being a thug and bully is no way to make friends or influence people.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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