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The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:03 pm
by Dardedar

The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ

By Robert Parry (A Special Report)
Consortium News

Wednesday 27 December 2006

The American Right achieved its political dominance in Washington over the past quarter century with the help of more than $3 billion spent by Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon on a daily propaganda organ, the Washington Times, according to a 21-year veteran of the newspaper.

George Archibald, who describes himself "as the first reporter hired at the Washington Times outside the founding group" and author of a commemorative book on the Times' first two decades, has now joined a long line of disillusioned conservative writers who departed and warned the public about extremism within the newspaper.

In an Internet essay on recent turmoil inside the Times, Archibald also confirmed claims by some former Moon insiders that the cult leader has continued to pour in $100 million a year or more to keep the newspaper afloat. Archibald put the price tag for the newspaper's first 24 years at "more than $3 billion of cash."

At the newspaper's tenth anniversary, Moon announced that he had spent $1 billion on the Times - or $100 million a year - but newspaper officials and some Moon followers have since tried to low-ball Moon's subsidies in public comments by claiming they had declined to about $35 million a year.

The figure from Archibald and other defectors from Moon's operation is about three times higher than the $35 million annual figure.

The apparent goal of downplaying Moon's subsidy has been to quiet concerns that Moon was funneling vast sums of illicit money into the United States to influence the American political process in ways favorable to right-wing leaders - and possibly criminal cartels - around the world.

Though best known as the founder of the Unification Church, Moon, now 86, has long worked with right-wing political forces linked to organized crime and international drug smuggling, including the Japanese yakuza gangs and South American cocaine traffickers.

Moon insiders, including his former daughter-in-law Nansook Hong, also have described Moon's system for laundering cash into the United States and then funneling much of it into his businesses and influence-buying apparatus, led by the Washington Times.

The Times, in turn, has targeted American politicians of the center and left with journalistic attacks - sometimes questioning their sanity, as happened with Democratic presidential nominees Michael Dukakis and Al Gore. Those themes then resonate through the broader right-wing echo chamber and into the mainstream media.

Washington Times articles are routinely cited by C-SPAN, for instance, without explanations to viewers that the newspaper is financed by an ultra-right religious cult leader, a convicted tax fraud and a publicly identified money-launderer. Most American listeners just think they're getting straightforward news.

The rest...

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:29 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Moon restarted/bought the name of a Washington newspaper that was already so right-wing they refused to put a notice of FDRs death on the front page in 1945. (The noted him under war casualties and their headlines were about Truman becoming president.) The people who read the Washington Times were already used to this kind of reporting. Part of the problem with "news" in America is that nobody "cites" where the information came from. Whether it's Moonie-funded, GE-funded, or plain old governmental propaganda, nobody knows. How nice it would be to have chronicles and commentaries clearly defined - and who the commentaries were coming from. Sigh.