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Bush's New Slogan! We're Saved!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:41 pm
by Doug
Not surprisingly, the Bush administration is already backing away from most of the proposals put forth by the Iraq Study Group. The New York Times, with unintended comic irony, noted it this way: "Administration officials say their preliminary review of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group's recommendations has concluded that many of its key proposals are impractical or unrealistic." Thank God we have George Bush to protect us from doing anything impractical or unrealistic in the Middle East.

But there is one thing in the proposal we can be sure Bush will take from the report -- the slogan. Bush may not be into things like facts, truth, or reality, but he loves a good slogan.

So while Bush may not like any of the Group's 79 proposals (so impractical and unrealistic), he's ready to adopt its slogan, "New Way Forward." Newsweek says that next week "Bush is expected to announce what he calls 'The New Way Forward,' his latest plan to salvage the mission in Iraq."

See here.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:03 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Whether a "new boss" will be the "same as the old boss" we won't know til we get a new one. The old one is still in charge (I keep thinking - President Pelosi is only two chicken bones away - sigh) and we will do the same stuff he's been doing all along while he is. Investigate, investigate, investigate - and hand him over to the Hague in 2009 (unless we get a true non-partisan impeach AND remove from office movement going).

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:41 pm
by Savonarola
Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:President Pelosi is only two chicken bones away
I think you mean pretzels.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:49 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Don't W & Dick eat meat with bones? I'll accept a heart attack and a chainsaw accident in Crawford.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:56 pm
by LaWood
Early death is too good for either of those criminals; let them swing; Cheney could give a shit since the only religion he, and likely Bush, recognize is money worship. But let them stick around for the victory that will never materialize, that can't materialize. Congress could cut off funding as they did in Viet Nam. But Cheney needs to put before a House committee, and let him refuse to answer. I hope enough of them have had enough to find Cheney's tactics jailable. If not there's more elections.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:09 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Oh absolutely they deserve to be tried and jailed (NOT in one of the country club units created for erring CEOs) for what they've done. However, since what's best for the country is to get them out of power like yesterday, if the only way to do that is early death, I'd vote to let vengence go. That's what it would be. You can't punish someone if they don't understand that they've done anything wrong (that's why the moral question of executing the mentally retarded) - and these guys will never understand that they've done anything wrong. The Rs (at least as represented by the MSM) are all plagued with that. It's why when anyone lists W's illegal actions, they just respond, "You hate Bush." No clue and no connection to reality. If god loves and blesses America, he'll take them "home" a little early.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:23 pm
by Doug

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:08 pm
by Dardedar

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:55 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
These guys keep harking back to WWII, and use WWII-type slogans - because they heard about (I doubt read about) the support FDR got and they figure it was due to all the propaganda - slogans, movies, etc. It never seems to dawn on them that the response of the people an attacked nation is different from the response of the people of an attacking nation. Even the totally "history is bunk" crowd has finally connected that a terrorist attack, no matter how successful, is not the same thing as being attacked by the "armed might of a sovreign nation". It would have been nice if any of those guys had paid enough attention in 8th grade American history to remember what we were fighting for: Freedom of Speech and expression, everywhere in the world; Freedom to worship god in their own way, everywhere in the world; Freedom from want, everywhere in the world; Freedom from need, everywhere in the world (paraphrased from an FDR state of the union address 1/7/42).