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Bush Can't Answer Tough Brit Questions

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:48 am
by Doug
The Heart of the Matter

By Dan Froomkin
Special to
Friday, December 8, 2006

Long live the British press!

In contrast to the small-bore questions that American reporters posed to President Bush yesterday about his Iraq policy, two British journalists cut right to the central issue of the president's credibility.

In his joint press conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush spoke of embarking on a "new course" in Iraq -- even as he effectively rejected all the major recommendations of the scathing bipartisan Iraq Study Group report.

American reporters dutifully but fruitlessly tried to get Bush to explain what he meant. Their colleagues from across the pond took a different tack.

Why, the two Brits asked Bush in slightly different ways, given your track record on Iraq, should we believe you now?

Not surprisingly, Bush failed to provide a persuasive answer.

Read the rest here.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:12 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Bush basically didn't provide any answer - he just handed out the same old blather democracy v extremists, oil as an extortion weapon, the "bomb" as an extortion weapon, yadda yadda yadda. Sort of like the old "Chatty Cathy" doll - pull the string and get one of a set of a dozen programmed sayings.