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We Officially Are/Aren't/Might Be Winning in Iraq

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:33 pm
by Doug
Dec. 5, 2006:

Asked if he thought the United States was winning the war in Iraq, Defense secretary nominee Robert Gates answered with a simple “no.”

...George W. Bush, six weeks ago:

Q: Are we winning?

BUSH: Absolutely, we’re winning.

Bush, 12 months ago:

“And for every terrorist working to stop freedom in Iraq, there are many more Iraqis and Americans working to defeat them. My fellow citizens: Not only can we win the war in Iraq, we are winning the war in Iraq.”

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, seven weeks ago:

Q: Just a simple question: Are we winning [in Iraq]?

SNOW: We’re making progress. I don’t know. How do you define ‘winning’?

...Maybe once the administration gets its story straight, it can get back to us.

[Emphasis added above.] See here for more, and links to the quotations.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:34 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Of course they're not going to get their story straight. Confusion is one of their ways to stay in power. At least Gates knows we aren't winning. Now did someone ask him if he thinks we CAN win?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:12 pm
by Hogeye
Confusion is one of their ways to stay in power.
Right. Confuse Boobus Americanus by making them think "they" are in Iraq, when really the only Americans in Iraq are people so ignorant/stupid and immoral to join or aid the Empire's murder gang. (Plus a few reporters.) If you can con the average American into thinking he has a stake in some far off desert land, then he'll eat purt' near anything!