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Non-Hogeye Chess Champ on Iraq

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:18 pm
by Doug
The man who may be the greatest chess player in history weighs in on U.S. foreign policy regarding Iraq.

From here.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

For the past few years, the dictators and terrorists have been gaining ground, and with good reason. The deepening catastrophe in Iraq has distracted the world's sole superpower from its true goals, and weakened the U.S. politically as well as militarily. With new congressional leadership threatening to make the same mistake--failing to see Iraq as only one piece of a greater puzzle--it is time to return to the basics of strategic planning.

Thirty years as a chess player ingrained in me the importance of never losing sight of the big picture. Paying too much attention to one area of the chessboard can quickly lead to the collapse of your entire position. America and its allies are so focused on Iraq they are ceding territory all over the map. Even the vague goals of President Bush's ambiguous war on terror have been pushed aside by the crisis in Baghdad.

The U.S. must refocus and recognize the failure of its post-9/11 foreign policy. Pre-emptive strikes and deposing dictators may or may not have been a good plan, but at least it was a plan. However, if you attack Iraq, the potential to go after Iran and Syria must also be on the table. Instead, the U.S. finds itself supervising a civil war while helplessly making concessions elsewhere.


This dire situation is a result of the only thing worse than a failed strategy: the inability to recognize, or to admit, that a strategy has failed.

...So what then, to do? "Mission accomplished" jokes aside, the original goals in Iraq--deposing Saddam Hussein and holding elections--have been achieved. Nation-building was never on the agenda, and it should not be added now. All the allied troops in the world aren't going to stop the Iraqi people from continuing their civil war if this is their choice. As long as Muslim leaders in Iraq and elsewhere are unwilling to confront their own radical elements, outsiders will be spectators in the line of fire.

As for stability, if allied troops leave Iraq: What stability? I won't say things can't get worse--if we've learned anything, it's that things in the Middle East can always get worse; but at least the current deadly dynamic would be changed. And with change there is always hope for improvement. Without change, we are expecting a different result from the same behavior, something once defined as insanity.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:22 pm
by Hogeye
Hmmm. Basically Kasparov agrees with me: The USEmpire's policy is a failure, the US should bug out of Iraq immediately and let the civil war happen, and "without change, we are expecting a different result from the same behavior, something once defined as insanity." Great minds think alike!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:06 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
W has always been able to throw a temper tantrum and have Daddy or Daddy's friends fix things - until now. (Even the 2000 election showed W insisting that his brother had "promised" him Florida - and Daddy's friends made it happen.) That's why he paid/pays no attention to reality about anything. He's never had to deal with it before, and he's not doing a very good job of dealing with it now.

The stupidity of invading Iraq, no matter what the cause, was laid out by military and M.E. experts before we did it. The best political cartoon I've seen on this has an arabic-looking person (probably meant to be bin Ladin) playing chess with W - except W is playing checkers. Now checkers can be a good game and requires planning ahead, but it's not in the same category as chess. The policy of "but I want it" is indeed a failure. If Hogeye would refrain from using his "usempire" terminology and attitude, he would get more agreement with his position on this.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:08 pm
by Hogeye
Barbara wrote:If Hogeye would refrain from using his "usempire" terminology and attitude, he would get more agreement with his position on this.
I'm more interested in the truth than having people agree with me. I might suggest that, if Barbara didn't identify with the world's worst mass-murdering organization, saying "we did it" and "we are the State" rather than unequivocably condemning the ruling assholes and the institution responsible, then we the society may have a chance to avoid the next aggression/war/atrocity.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:35 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Or, of course, we could BE the next aggression/war/atrocity if we dissolve our Union into the city-state societies Hogeye apparently thinks are better.