Media Biased Left, But Writes Right Biased
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:28 pm
In her November 12 column titled "Media 'Liberalism' Under the Microscope," Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell misrepresented former Post political reporter Thomas Edsall's stated views on the purported liberalism of most journalists. While discussing recent instances of "Republicans claiming bias," Howell noted that, on the September 21 broadcast of The Hugh Hewitt Show, Edsall asserted that "most journalists he knew were liberal," in Howell's words. But Howell did not report a subsequent online chat hosted by the's own "Book World" in which Edsall explained his remarks. Edsall asserted that, while many of its members are indeed liberal, the press at large is "inclined to lean over backwards not to offend critics from the right" and that the right wing's "campaign against the media ... has turned the press into an unwilling, and often unknowing, ally of the right."
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