Fayetteville March for Change

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JD Allen
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Fayetteville March for Change

Post by JD Allen »

Anyone who missed out on the March for Change yesterday missed a great rally. This is the speech given by the event's organizer, Abel Tomlinson:

Morality and Liberalism

Today I speak on Morality and Liberalism. But what is morality? It‘s simply right versus wrong. I’ll argue that liberals are the right and moral people, while our Republican controlled government is immoral and dead wrong.

There’s great confusion about morality in America because many politicians promote fake political values. There are many examples of fake political values, but I believe one example to be the greatest case of hypocrisy in human history.

This example is our supposedly pro-life politicians. First, these politicians don’t care about the LIVES of children and women after birth. Once you’re born, you’re off their love list. They’re more precisely pro-embryo. These men don’t care if a woman’s LIFE is in danger, or if she’s raped, or her boyfriends abandons her to be a single mother, destroying her chances of college or a career. Furthermore, pro-life politicians are against social programs like public education and food, housing, and healthcare for the LIVES’ of children. Worse, they’re against the things that actually prevent abortions, contraceptives and sex education.

Now, let’s discuss their global hypocrisy. First, our these politicians support torture and war. Yeah that’s really pro-life! Beyond this hypocrisy, there’s something bigger

Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz calculated the war will cost $1-2 trillion including hundreds of billions in direct costs, healthcare for wounded troops, and added interest on our $8.5 trillion national debt. In addition, Bush tax cuts have already cost $1 trillion and will cost $3.3 trillion more by 2016. This brings us to a grand total of $6.3 trillion for war and tax cuts. Remember that number, $6.3 trillion.

33,000 children die EVERY day from poverty related malnutrition and disease and most could be prevented for less than $1 a day. Now if our politicians are so damned pro-life, why don’t they spend that $6.3 trillion saving these millions of children’s lives, which it easily could? Through conscious inaction, they’re effectively murdering millions of children. The immorality of their inaction trumps any dictator’s genocide in history! Beyond saving millions of lives, that $6.3 trillion could easily provide contraceptives, education and healthcare to everyone on the planet, which could usher in world peace!

This fake value exemplifies why Republicans are not pro-life or moral. In America, liberals must dominate the morality debate because WE CAN! We’re rationally right 99% of the time.
Analysis of Republican values screams immorality. For example, they practice GREED in tax cuts and war profiteering, DISHONESTY in leading us to war and in claims of holiness, HATE towards homosexuals, FEAR to win elections, VIOLENCE through torture and war, CORRUPTION with crooked lobbyists and stolen elections, and INJUSTICE in subversion of our Democracy and hostility toward our environment. Conversely, real liberals support actual morality, such as generosity, honesty, integrity, courage, peace, love and justice!

Liberals should stand proud because we’ve morality on our side, and because the majority of the greatest minds in human history were liberals, such as Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus, Socrates, Confucius, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and Susan B. Anthony. I would mention more women, but men have been suppressing them for centuries. These liberal minds enlightened the world, and it blows my mind that people are becoming ashamed of liberalism. Frankly, I would be embarrassed to not be a liberal among those who ushered in the era of enlightenment!

I believe liberal morality will prevail and we’ll save our country, species, and planet from these criminal political dictators. We can do this, if all of us become politically engaged, and vote and and spread liberal enlightenment to the darkest corners of our globe so that corrupt leaders may hide and be NO MORE!
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Considering that liberal means supporting civil rights (bill of rights guarantees), it is pure fascist brainwashing that has any American NOT proud of being liberal.
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Re: Fayetteville March for Change

Post by Doug »

JD Allen wrote:Anyone who missed out on the March for Change yesterday missed a great rally. This is the speech given by the event's organizer, Abel Tomlinson...
I was there. Great speeches, great music.
"We could have done something important Max. We could have fought child abuse or Republicans!" --Oona Hart (played by Victoria Foyt), in the 1995 movie "Last Summer in the Hamptons."
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