I am on this guys email list. Perhaps of interest:
Dear Church of Reality Members,
For those of you who don't get HBO or missed it here are 3 clips from
the HBO special "Hacking Democracy". These clips expose many of the
problems with electronic voting machines. I have them hosted on my
server and have plenty of bandwidth to distribute them widely. So enjoy
the clips and after watching them pass the pink around to everyone you
know and post them to popular blogs.
http://video.lisarein.com/hbo/hackingde ... racy-1.mov
http://video.lisarein.com/hbo/hackingde ... racy-2.mov
http://video.lisarein.com/hbo/hackingde ... racy-3.mov
Voting is very important and the integrity of the voting process it
crucial to a free and fair society. It is important that as many people
as possible be made aware of the problem.
Thanks in advance for helping to spread the word. I also want to thank
you all for passing around my other video on NSA wiretapping. There
have been over 71,000 downloads of that video in the last week. If you go to Google video and type in NSA my video comes up first. Hopefully we can do as good of a job with this one as the last.
Marc Perkel
First One
Church of Reality