Pooped out on the Pope

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Pooped out on the Pope

Post by skepticrazorback »

Oh geeesh, when will it end? Anyone tired of the white robed super Pope?
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David Franks
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Re: Pooped out on the Pope

Post by David Franks »

I'm not tired of him, and I see no reason to be. Regardless of his underlying motivations, and some retrograde advocacy resulting therefrom (which largely affects the Catholic Church membership rather than the public at large), he is agitating for important causes that influence lives far beyond his flock.

Of the seven popes with whom I've been concurrent, Pope Francis is clearly the least doctrinaire and by far the most suited to my interests. I see him as a positive and relatively liberal force, and the more he can shake up our hidebound religious right, the better I like him.
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Re: Pooped out on the Pope

Post by Dardedar »

I think as far as popes go, he's a really good pope. The best one I've ever heard of. But I did find some of the news coverage tedious and at one point muttered to myself that if I had to hear one more pundit report breathlessly that the pope had actually asked a normal person to "pray for him," I might just puke.
But I didn't.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer

Re: Pooped out on the Pope

Post by julio »

It happens that I do know what's the pope's lie number one.
Want to know it?
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