This was the image on facebook that got Joe to get his knickers in such a twist:
Joeknows wrote:Does anything excuse your inability to transfer that conversation long after I stopped participating in it?
How boring. I have copies of all the posts because I have facebook set up to send me copies. I played with the idea of posting it here but it really didn't rise to the level of being coherent enough to bother.
Doug also sent me some responses to you, with the suggestion to put them here, but again, it was just all so silly, it would really appear like we are making fun a person who is mentally ill, which is what I consider you. I used to find your type of insanity a little interesting, but now, not so much. Glad you finally had the courage to find your way here, something I recommended months ago at the very beginning. I skimmed the above and can see you are, as usual, being blatantly dishonest, as Sav has pointed out. Perhap's it's partly because your short term memory is shot, which became rather apparent in our exchanges on Facebook.
I'll just dump some of my old responses to you here from an old debate notes file. But really, it's all so boring, I haven't the slightest interest in trying to reason with you. You're clearly not well and while I have many interesting projects going on, talking to a Joestrologist who can't communicate, doesn't make the cut.
Some flashbacks to these attempts to reason with Joe Who Doesn't Know:
" do realize you are attempting to communicate with a "cold realist", that said this:
"...a planet or star that is made up of this same vibrational energy could very easily send an amount of energy in some way (light, gravity, sound?) and in some amount (regardless of how much or how little), it could have a real effect in combination with the actions, thoughts, or feelings that we are having in that moment."
That's really hard to beat. That's suitable for framing.
Joe, you've learned a bunch of words and you put them in different orders but it's pretty clear you don't understand what they mean. This happens sometimes. Most of what you write comes across as gibberish because you don't have basic, even rudimentary skills of discernment. Astrology is really a litmus test for this. If you can fall for the vapid assertions and complete lack of evidence that astrology is anything other than complete, 100% myth and superstition based upon claims that we know, with as much certainty as anything can be known (including flying donkeys), to completely false, then you really don't know how to begin.
If there is any hope to dig out of your situation, you would need to take greater care to respond directly to the questions posed to you. The uncomfortable ones that you have taken care to avoid. You do this because the answer to those questions refute what you would like to believe for emotional reasons. I know, I lived for years up to my knees in this New Age stuff. For years.
As to your:
"you are so "invested" in astrology being wrong, as you offer money to anyone who proves it otherwise.">>
That could just as easily be the exact opposite of that. It's my money, in fact, and I would love to verify the truth of astrology or any paranormal activity because it would overturn science and bring great fame, awards and money. That would be great. And if astrology or the existence of some other paranormal or extra -normal activity is confirmed it won't be by fellows like you who don't know simple basics like that sound doesn't travel through space or that the astrological signs have moved so far out of line as to be bogus (never mind that they are made up of silly arbitrary shapes the ancients pulled out of their ass) or that many of the star we see are so far away they have exploded and no longer exist.
Hell, our little star is so far away we are actually seeing it where it was 8 minutes ago. And it's right next door.
If these things are ever confirmed it will be by scientists and skeptics addressing the hard questions you are systematically ducking with boilerplate new age gibberish and assertion piling.
Why should astrology work, have an effect?
How could it possibly work, have an effect?
How would we know it is working having and effect?
If we can't know, how does this differ from being a completely vapid claim?
Why would stars correlate with having an effect on the life of a single primate?
Why would this be related to when it happened to have been pushed out of it's mother's womb?
Why is it that when we try to test the vague claims astrology does make (this star action correlates with xyz characteristic) it fails every single time. All you have to do is blind the astrology claims from the actual life characteristics and bingo, the astrology effect disappears.
Again, the claims of astrology are in most cases, really easy to test. And they have been tested, properly, hundreds of times. And it always fails. If you can't conceive of a test that could verify it's claims, then you are just talking unfalsifiable gibberish. If you can conceive of a test, then take the time to make your self aware of the extensive literature that already establishes: besides the fact that there is no reason whatsoever why astrology should work, when you test it, properly, it never, ever, does work/have an effect.
Joe: "I can look at the night sky and see Mars with my eyes. I can ask someone else if they can see it, and they verify they can. This is proof that energy in the form of light traveled from Mars to Earth">>
Right. Now why should it follow that something on earth is affected in any appreciable way, because a infinitesimal amount of light (or gravity) happens to bounce off of Mars and land on your retina, or something else?
These notions that the movement of planets have an effect on something were thought up in very superstitious times. And as Larry noted, we know they largely weren't even getting their charts straight for a number of reasons, yet they still managed to trick themselves into thinking they were identifying something. Humans are *really* good at tricking ours selves with imagining false causes, non sequiters and cause and effect. Shoot, we practically killed our first president. When he was sick he went to the hospital so we of course, drained a bunch of his blood. This is because we were so bad at testing our medical anecdotes we thought blood letting was the thing to do. After all, most of the time that you drained blood, the people got better. But the only way to really know if bloodletting worked better than not bloodletting, is to test it. Turns out, it doesn't work. And figuring out whether blood letting works or not, is a thousand time easier than trying to figure out if the vague correlations astrology makes are valid.
However, it remains, that the claims of astrology are exceedingly easy to test.
Joe: "Now lets contrast basing our knowledge on the belief that we can prove something doesn't exist by "testing" for it. First to know about its existence we would have to test all the conditions we could.">>
Nope. That's not right. It's far easier than that. Let me give you an example. I am a piano technician. Let's say we have four pianos and two of them are perfectly in tune and two are terribly out of tune. Then we have a person come along and say they know all about tuning pianos. So we do a little test: identify which two are in tune, and which two are not.
If the person can't do this, then we have good reason not to believe their claim that they know anything about in tune pianos. (Knowledge is specialized and you wouldn't believe how many accomplished pianists have no idea how to test for a piano being in tune, or are aware when a piano is out of tune).
Now, if we have astrologers making all sorts of claims about correlations between movements in celestial bodies and what goes on in the lives of people based upon when they were born in relation to those movements, this is very easy to test. We take our astrologer and give them four people with details of their life. Then on another pile we have their detailed astrological charts. Then we ask the astrologer to assign the correct chart to the correct person without seeing them or knowing in advance which one goes with which (of course we will typically use more than four people).
They can't do it. This has been shown over and over.
This is a very simple, basic and most rudimentary thing that astrology should be able to do, a baby step, if there is anything to the extraordinary claim that there is anything to astrology. It should be as easy to do as for me to detect two out of tune pianos out of four. If I can't do that, I'm not a very good piano tuner. Since astrologers can't do this, it suggests people are fooling themselves into thinking astrology is doing something, when it really isn't. How could this be?
Earlier I boldly claimed I knew how this trick is happening. And I do. So let me tell you the trick.
People are exceedingly good at taking information and making it fit with what they want. As is mentioned in our little tract on this:
"In a 1979 French study, Michel Gauquelin put an ad for a free horoscope reading in a Paris newspaper. Recipients were asked to rate how accurate they and their friends found the reading. Ninety-four percent said it was accurate, as did 90% of their friends and family. But all of them had received the same horoscope, which was that of Dr. Petiot, a French mass murderer. People see what they want to see."
Here's a better example. Ray Hyman, is an exceedingly accomplished psychologist and statistician who I have had the pleasure of meeting at a conference. I've read some of his article and he is in my mind brilliant. When he was a college student (in the 60's I think) he used to do some palmistry on the side. He reports that his clients said he was very good and very accurate and they kept coming back. Then a magician friend, who knows a bit about how people are fooled (that's precisely what magicians do) suggested he try an experiment. He said, say the exact opposite of what the lines in the hand happen to tell you you should say. So he did that. So he told the people the exact opposite (as exact as you can).
The result?
His clients found him to be as much or more accurate than before. He couldn't believe it, but there it was. This suggests there is something else going on with the apparent accuracy of palmistry, tarot, channeling, rumpology, astrology and all the rest. It turns out the "skill" of palmistry (and the many variations of such readings) has nothing to do with lines in the hand but rather the skill of people to fit assertions into what they think about themselves.
This is covered nicely in this (2000) PBS show, "Secrets of the Psychics." You can watch it, in parts, here:
You should take a little time and watch this. You should also attempt to address the seven questions I gave you.
"I've gone into thousands of [fortune teller's parlors], and have been told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest her." -- NYC detective
Joe did try to answer my seven "lame" questions, so I'll respond to that. Incredibly, he didn't understand them, not even close. I will take a few minutes to show this, briefly.
1) Why should astrology work, have an effect?
J - astrology should work because it is only a study of real things in our environment.">>
Astrology is a study of real things in our environment? That's hilarious. And question begging. You don't understand the question. Let me rephrase:
Why should the movement of heavenly bodies, have an effect on people and their lives starting on the day they are born? Why?
2) How could it possibly work, have an effect?
J -I think that you are trying to ask about it's effect upon a person or group.>>
No. I am asking for a mechanism by which the movement of heavenly bodies could have an effect on human primates, that doesn't fly in the face of well understood laws of physics.
J: "The direction of your question is asking me to prove to you that this "effect" exists,">>
Hell no. You're not near that. I am just asking you to postulate a mechanism that isn't ridiculous.
J: "I am not going to waste time going down that path,">>
Of course you aren't going to. Because you can't. So again we see, not only is there not any effect to explain, there isn't even a possible mechanism that could explain this imaginary effect, that can pass the laugh test.
J: " cannot know with 100% certainty that this effect does not exist.">>
I don't have 100% certainty that donkeys aren't flying when we aren't looking. You haven't the foggiest idea of how science works. Incidentally, I think the bit about the donkey's flying is more likely to be true than any claims I have heard about astrology.
J: 'Therefore you cannot prove that there is no such effect,">>
What effect? You think you have an effect? Do tell.
J: "must allow it's existence as a possibility.">>
But only to the degree that donkeys fly when we aren't looking. Which isn't very likely.
J: "But you don't seem to be even allowing it as a possibility,">>
Why are you so skeptical of the flying donkey claim, even though you can't disprove it Joe?
3) How would we know it is working having and effect?
J -again about the effect...">>
Yes. Trying you to actually specify what the heck you are going on about. Is there any there, there?
J: "If you are not willing to even consider it,">>
Consider, what, exactly? Do tell.
4) If we can't know, how does this differ from being a completely vapid claim?
J -"This principled method of gathering information and knowing truth from contrivance is something that applies to every field of knowledge and should be used if you want to build a foundation of information in order to be able to elevate your understanding eventually to more complex systems.
Check out that 100% pure gibberish answer. Priceless.
Oh, and that question was pointing directly to falsification. And you ducked it.
5) Why would stars correlate with having an effect on the life of a single primate?
-The stars are something real in our environment.">>
And so are the gas fumes that come off of the dung my nine pet goats drop in my backyard. But I don't pretend those fumes correlate or effect the destiny of peoples lives. Why would stars, billions of trillions of miles away, that exploded millions of years ago, "have an effect on the life of a single primate?" Do tell.
6) Why would this be related to when it happened to have been pushed out of it's mother's womb?
-Perhaps the importance of something like "birth charts" showing the position of the stars when we were born is only a symbolic representation...">>
By "symbolic representation" do you mean completely false? Cause then we agree.
J -"I can only hypothesize, about the real information that this idea conveys.">>
Notice the little question beg of "real information" snuck in there. What real information are you talking about?
7) Why is it that when we try to test the vague claims astrology does make (this star action correlates with xyz characteristic) it fails every single time?
J -Because you are testing dogmatic beliefs instead of the science at its root.">>
Beliefs? What beliefs? What do you claim astrology can actually do?
J: "Pretty lame questions,">>
Not as lame as your non-answers. Unfortunately, you didn't even understand most of them. Amazing.
I don't have a TV but I do have a theater with a ten foot screen and an HD system. Made it myself. 7.1 surround sound baby.
Sometimes when I'm in an intense battle I will cry out to the almighty... "Oh God!" But this doesn't mean I am an "intellectual coward," it just means I need some assistance with something important and urgent. And usually He is kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule and help me win. You know, just like he does with you and Mycent and maybe a few others.
Course, if I lose, I just assume He was either busy helping with someone else's game/battle or perhaps it is a situation that is just too difficult for him, like it was with those iron chariots spoken of in Judges 1:19:
"And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants
of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley,
because they had chariots of iron."
I wonder if He ever gets confused if people from both sides of a game (or battle) are calling out for his assistance. I guess that would be a good question for one of those "theologians" who have the proper training and expertise know about such things.
"There's religious freedom, of course, but what about sacrilegious freedom?" --anon
Readers will note that Joe is once again careful to duck any attempt at a substantive response while avoiding my offer to:
"...think of a test that might debunk the claim that goat berry molecules from goats in Fayetteville are causing an effect on the lives of people in Mexico."
Joe needs to avoid that type of specificity since the same test that can confirm/falsify a test of shitology can also used to be confirm/falsify Joestrology. This is because they are the exact same thing. Same poop, different pile.
Incidentally, since Fayetteville is billions of times closer to Mexico than many of the objects referred to in astrology, and since we know actual goat berry molecules from Fayetteville have traveled from Fayetteville to Mexico (I carried some on my shoes in June), it is vastly more likely that there is more substance to claims attributed to Shitology, than to Joestrology. I am being entirely serious.
Now on to this:
J: "Give what a "poke?">>
Your comment/claims. Not that you would know this but that's how science works. A claim is put forward and science, methods of critical thinking are used to step up and gives them a poke to see if it can withstand scrutiny. On the rare occasions that you do stray into an area of actually saying something slightly specific, your claims don't pass muster. Sorry about that.
J: "That obviously doesn't mean that you were going to "consider" anything I said.">>
Of course it does. I consider it, then I discard it, because it's rubbish.
J: "your constant misuse of scientific tenants...">>
I do have several rental properties but none of my "tenants" would be considered "scientific."
If this is "constant," as you say, then you won't have any trouble at all backing up your claim with specific examples of this supposed "constant misuse." Don't forget to do this. I don't make claims I can't back up with examples. You seem to never make claims you can back up with examples. You should change that habit.
J: "to uphold your unflinching belief system.">>
My belief system can easily be flinched. All that I require are good reasons. And after wasting our time with about 10,000 words of goatberry caliber, you have yet to provide any reasons for your Joestrology. It's looking like you don't have any.
J: "I don't limit where information comes to me,">>
That's the problem. You have no discernment. So you can't grasp the difference between obtaining information from a testable reliable source, and getting information from completely worthless, idiotic sources. The alignment of stars via Joestrology and where goat berries float to are not good sources of advise and we know this for very well studied reasons. One of them is that people like you can't patch together anything that can pass the laugh test.
J: "as long as it continues to be shown as an observable effect of reality.">>
When are you going to show Joestrology has anything whatsoever to do with "an observable effect of reality?" Will it take another 10,000 words of New Age boilerplate pap?
J: "I would accept someone even called a "doo-doo-ologist">>
I really believe you would. And that person wouldn't even be the most ridiculous source in your belief system pantry. This is because you have no discernment.
J: "if he was using science to describe the truths of our universe.">>
When are you going to use science to describe something true? When are you going to tell us how Joestrology can be shown to be more accurate, useful, falsifiable, make testable predictions better than Shitology? Until you can gather the courage to get off your lazy intellectual bottom and do that, it looks like Shitology has a better game than the one you're peddling.
This is from another thread Joe posted on the FF wall on August 31, where he pleads for assistance in defending Joestrology.
J: "They don't even think about discussing information, they just want somebody to "win.">>
In science, the best ideas win because they provide persuasive evidence. Your idea isn't going to win, or even get off the ground, because you apparently don't have anything resembling persuasive evidence.
J: "forms opinions about religion on the basis of reason?" -re: So your "freethinker group" is ONLY able to talk about religion?">>
Nope. Some use the definition strictly, we use it more broadly, as a skeptics group, so we address a very wide variety of topics of interest regarding skepticism, critical thinking and education. This is easy for me to verify since all of our meeting topics for the last 70 meetings (about 7 years worth) are posted on our forum here:
What we do is clearly described here:
J: "your institution has become like a religion itself in that you LIMIT yourself to only talking about religion.">>
Notice how Joe asks a question he doesn't know the answer to, and then proceeds to pretend he knows the answer even though what he believes about the answer is precisely 100% incorrect. As I've just shown above. Amazing.
J: "But you DO NOT look at it from a "basis of reason" so i don't know why you are posting another definition that you are boldly in violation of.">>
This is rich. Joe doesn't know what the word means, he can't even construct it correctly, then when two standard definitions are provided, one which we have used for 15 years (and is about 150 years old), Joe tells us that "we" are "boldly in violation," of a definition! This is good stuff.
J: "You refuse to use your will to be aware of any observations...">>
What observations? Name one. Dare ya.
J: "no attempts or ability to understand energy dynamics, how energy flows,">>
It's been pretty clear through out that you haven't the foggiest notion of anything regarding energy. But it does sound nice and sciency when you say energy. That's why you new age types like to say it.
J: "I am the one proposing a "basis of reason">>
Excellent. Then get off the pot already and give us a basis of reason for thinking Joestrology is more accurate, useful, falsifiable and can make testable predictions better than Shitology. Then you'll have something.
J: "trying... to stop me from even trying to explain other possible understandings of what astrology is.">>
Actually, we've been begging for you to do exactly that. Instead you shovel goat berries. Raise your game.
And let me finish with this one, since it nicely shows why attempting to communicating with Joe who doesn't know, is a complete waste of time:
But what you fail to see is that in reality in the information, neither is our understanding we have been born out of b/c i knowledge that it doesn't exist can hardly be perceived by our knowledge of what frequency, representence. Therefore, the qualities of our consciousness of our lives are nothings. Even if this IS a dream or not. The recognition at the qualities of any dynamic systems, to gain understanding of the even matterns to form knowledge, observation at the dynamic variation at the "laws of the information."
Now the weight of information handed to your under-standing, or created by only using like the internal system" of true internal system your belief information upon to put yourself to put you are trying to built won't "stand" structure, or else that your belief system" of grass alone; yourself to move internal strongest or created information upon to build a structure by only using to move internal and discern this information, but your belief information.
Do you understand?
Now do realize the induction and to assimilate larger systems of a complete misunderstanding "entropy science." You are not on this evidence. You are not complete in misunderstanding "entropy science as being of how to even use falsifiability. Again this is evidence and to assimilate larger systems of information. It is evidence." you can only see something of informations. It is evidence and look at them individuality. Again knowledge through individuality. You are likewise only able to gain knowledge through...
Am I being clear or am I being too vague?
Those are your words dear Joe. I find putting your exact words into the gibberish generator and using setting #5, tends to clean it up a little bit and improve what you are trying to say. Whatever the hell that is.
Curious though, in all of that pile of self stroking undiscernible pap, nothing about astrology or even Joestrology. Nothing about how it could work, why it works, if it could work or what could possibly falsify it. And those are the only questions that have the slightest bearing on the question of whether the assertions of astrology, or flying donkeys, are true.
"Invisible Pink Unicorns are beings of awesome mystical power. We know this because they manage to be invisible and pink at the same time. Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorns is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that they are pink; we logically know that they are invisible because we can't see them." --Steve Eley
This nonsense went on for weeks, and a few hundred posts. The above was fairly early in the game, or perhaps in the middle. Then Facebook deleted it all. Oh well.
Now on to something better...