January 2014 Freethinker Meeting

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January 2014 Freethinker Meeting

Post by Dardedar »

Well, it's a brand new year and time for a brand new meeting. Specifically, it's time for our January Fayetteville Freethinker meeting.
Please note, the meeting is not on Saturday. It is on Sunday.

We have some interesting presentations on the docket.

"Problems with Heaven and Hell." Doug Krueger will look at one of the oldest ideas in Western theology: the notion that after you
die you go to heaven or hell. Aside from the fact that there is no evidence to recommend this view, we'll look at some theoretical
problems that plague such an extraordinary claim.

Dr. Jim Cherry will gives us overview of the book "Zealot: The Life and Time of Jesus of Nazareth" by Reza Aslan.

Michael will give the first part of a new series which will inform us about how to be more skeptical, rational, consumers.

We'll have our Moral Question of the Day and some interesting clips that will make freethinkers think, smile, or shake their fists. Hope you can make it!

Meeting Details:

When: Sunday, January 26, 2014.

Where: The Fayetteville Public Library. 401 W. Mountain St.
(two blocks west of the town square). Library phone: 571-2222.

Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm

Room: The Walker Room, the main meeting room. Go in the front door, through the
lobby and to your right. You can bring a snack or coffee from Arsaga's in the library lobby.

Map: http://tinyurl.com/b3sfgf
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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Re: January 2014 Freethinker Meeting

Post by Dardedar »

Here is a clip from the meeting, regarding our freethinker of the month: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgwvsuxdf9ntb ... 20clip.mp4

Here is another clip we played regarding indoctrination of Jehovah's Witness children: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSJdUeKxqQo

We had 48 in attendance at the meeting.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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