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Limbaugh: Ford DID Date a White Woman!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:52 pm
by Doug
Not that the Republicans are letting their racism show...

On the October 30 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that "there's a basis" for a controversial Republican National Committee (RNC) ad against Tennessee Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Harold Ford Jr. that critics -- including Republicans -- have deemed racist; according to Limbaugh, that "basis" is that "Harold Ford has dated a white woman."

LIMBAUGH: "Do you know that Harold Ford used to date a white woman? Did you -- oh, I'm sorry, it's not -- no, hold it a second, it's not racist, Mr. Snerdley. It's not. He did, and she has a blog.

"Hence, I'm -- me bringing up what Harold Ford did is racist? I'm just telling you that there's an ad that was pulled because the Republicans got cold feet, and it turns out there's a basis for it. I'm not criticizing. I -- I -- I am not -- let the NAALCP [sic] have a cow. Do you think -- do you think I'm going to back down? He did! He did date a white woman. I can't help it! It's what happened. We're into truth on this program."
See here.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:20 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
I got fired once for saying I'd marry a black man if I loved him. Texas in the 60s. Not much has changed, has it?