Conservatives caught lying about debt/growth

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Conservatives caught lying about debt/growth

Post by Dardedar »

Filed under Lying Conservative Bastards, caught Pants Down Lying again. Incredible.

GOP’s go-to economics study debunked
New research reveals that high public debt may not stifle economic growth as two popular economists have theorized

"...three main issues stand out. First, Reinhart and Rogoff selectively exclude years of high debt and average growth. Second, they use a debatable method to weight the countries. Third, there also appears to be a coding error that excludes high-debt and average-growth countries. All three bias in favor of their result, and without them you don’t get their controversial result. Let’s investigate further:"



'The Excel Error Heard Round the World'

"Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published a report a few years ago that conflicted with the findings of many economists, but told Republicans exactly what they wanted to hear -- when a nation's debt climbs above 90% of the nation's total economy, it necessarily serves as a drag on economic growth.

Ryan, conservative activists, deficit hawks, the Washington Post editorial board, and the DC establishment waved around the Reinhardt/Rogoff study as definitive proof that debt reduction can't wait -- failing to reduce the deficit, or making it worse on purpose as nutty liberals like me prefer, makes an economic recovery practically impossible. Austerity measures, intended to reduce the budget shortfall, would in turn correct the problem help the economy grow.


The problem, of course, is that the Reinhardt/Rogoff study was wrong. In fact, it's wrong in a variety of important ways, which Mike Konczal summarized very well. Several scholars at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst replicated the results of the Reinhardt/Rogoff research and uncovered some serious problems.

Among the most glaring: Reinhardt and Rogoff made a coding error in an Excel spreadsheet. Kevin Drum called it the "Excel Error Heard Round the World." (I think Kevin means that literally, since the Reinhardt/Rogoff study has helped bolster the austerity agenda in a wide variety of countries.)

How bad is it? Take a look at the chart I put together: according the Reinhardt/Rogoff research, once a nation's debt-to-GDP ratio tops 90%, the result is economic contraction. The revised research based on the same data points to 2.2% growth. It is, in other words, an enormously consequential error.

Paul Krugman added that plenty of sensible people "never bought" the argument in the first place, because "the observed correlation between debt and growth probably reflected reverse causation." He added, "But even I never dreamed that a large part of the alleged result might reflect nothing more profound than bad arithmetic."

The next question, of course, is whether Paul Ryan and every other conservative who has relied on the Reinhardt/Rogoff study will reevaluate their assumptions, given the revised reality.

I think we know the answer to that. As Dave Roberts noted, "Austerity boosters care about being debunked about as much as climate skeptics do. You cannot overcome motivated reasoning with more numbers."

I'm afraid that's correct, but for those who care about reason and evidence, this nevertheless seems like a fairly big deal."

"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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