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March 2012 Freethinker Meeting

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:34 pm
by Dardedar
Hello Freethinkers!

We will be gathering this Saturday to have our monthly Freethinker meeting at the Fayetteville Library. As noted, this is a week earlier than usual (our regular meeting time on the last weekend was unavailable at the library.)

On the agenda this meeting:

Having decided on the logo, we'll be voting on one of three colors for our tee shirts and taking orders. Only $12 gets you styling with our brand new, first ever, Fayetteville Freethinker tee shirt!

Mighty Linda Farrell, our reproduction expert, just can't take it any more so she will give a timely (and anatomically accurate) presentation entitled: "A private war: the Assault on Reproductive Freedom."

We will talk strategy regarding another creationist who is coming to speak at NWACC and the U. of A. next month (under the cloak of "Intelligent Design" of course). They'll be peddling the breathtakingly dishonest Ben Stein DVD, as usual. If you want to do some homework on that, see our thread here: viewtopic.php?p=13621#p13621
Also, they have a Facebook page for this event. It's entitled: "Intelligent Design - Fact or Fiction? (Is it good science)?"

How can it be "good science" if it's not "science" in the first place?

Darrel will conduct another debate workshop, this time we'll talk about the best way to address claims regarding the ever popular "US is a Christian Nation."

Doug will cover at least one more logical fallacy, and we'll have a Moral Question of the Day (last month's question brought out a lot of interesting comments).

Hope you can make it! Clips we played at the last meeting are below.

Meeting Details:

When: Saturday, March 24, 2012.

Where: The Fayetteville Public Library. 401 W. Mountain
St. (two blocks west of the town square). Library phone: 571-2222.

Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm

Room: The Walker Room, the main meeting room. Go in the front door, through the
lobby and go to your right. You can bring a snack or coffee from Arsaga's in the library lobby.


Here are links to the clips we played at our last meeting:

Christopher Closing Debate Speech:

Why religion causes brain damage:

Reaching the stars is easy (Philhellenes):

What if God Disappeared?:

Mr. Deity and the Skeptic:

You might enjoy this one too: Lewis Black on Televangelists:

Re: March 2012 Freethinker Meeting

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:47 pm
by Dardedar
Moving this to the March thread...

Here are the clips we played at our March meeting:

FFRF National Ad:

Limbaugh radio spot:

The Gruen Transfer - the pitch banning religion:

Purity Bear:

Scariest 127 seconds on youtube (evolution in schools):