Cousin Barry's email on Social Security
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:15 am
Freethinkers -- I could use some feedback on appropriate responses to an email from my ultra-right-wing cousin. The email excerpt that I'm posting here is drawn from a series exchanged by various of my ultra-conservative relatives in which Social Security was described as a Ponzi scheme. I can post the original email if anybody wants to see it.
There are two areas that I want to address.
1. Erroneous, ill-informed allegations.
2. Sources -- he declines to provide any. If you recognize any direct quotations or paraphrases of commonly held ideas by any individual or group, please let me know.
And I guess there is one more thing that disturbs me about this email -- it is deeply misogynistic. I intend to respond to that as well.
Here are selected passages:
There are two areas that I want to address.
1. Erroneous, ill-informed allegations.
2. Sources -- he declines to provide any. If you recognize any direct quotations or paraphrases of commonly held ideas by any individual or group, please let me know.
And I guess there is one more thing that disturbs me about this email -- it is deeply misogynistic. I intend to respond to that as well.
Here are selected passages:
I look forward to your thoughts on this.Carolyn,
Thanks for providing the technical distinction between the Ponzi scheme and how SS is funded using the "Pay as you go" methodology. While technically those comments have some merit in actuality our SS funding and a Ponzi scheme have the same basic effect.
Why? Because both schemes rely on an stable ratio of adding new payers to the system. When SS started there was a very comfortable ratio of 16:1 workers which imposed a small burden on the working men & women. With the changing demographics, namely our generation of baby boomers beginning to retire, as you have recently done, the ratio has dropped to only 3:1 and is quickly heading toward just 2:1. This has put an enormous burden on today's working men & women and most politicians have no ideas other than to impose an even heavier burden on our children's generation.
What is the burden? A growing % amount has been coming out of working people's paychecks through the decades to offset the declining amount coming out of the paychecks of the people working due to so called reforms to save the system. All the past increases in SS taxes do is prove the recipient generation must collect more & more from the paying generation as the ratio of makers to takes declines. Recall that in 1937 the SS tax started out at just 1% of the 1st $3,000 that each person made. (By the way this removal of money from the 1937 economy was a large contributing factor to the depression within the depression that occurred in 1938. Bet you did not know that little historical gem that FDR's apologetic biographers never mention.) SS is a form of socialism begun in this country by one of the most over rated presidents in American history, FDR. FDR learned about this scheme from a program that was developed in Germany during the late 19th century (1870's - 1910's) and early 20th century. In Germany there SS program was developed on the scheme of offering retirement benefits upon reaching the old age of 65 when the average life expectancy was only 42. At the time FDR instituted the same formula in the US the average life expectancy of the average American was only about 48 - 50 years old. The results ended up that there was so much money building up in the SS funds during the 50's & 60's the Democratically controlled congress from 1954 - 1994 created several more benefits to use those funds to buy a lot of votes in concert with the lessons learned under FDR of "Tax, tax - Spend, spend - Elect, elect. Another side effect of this program has been that white women are the demographic group that lives the longest while black men as a demographic group live the shortest. Consequently you end up with a lot of old white women basically reaping more benefit from the contributions of black men and to a lesser extent white men. At least in a Ponzi scheme the payers, once they figure out that the game is rigged against them can get out. But in SS there is very little freedom to make an individual decision because of the built in legal coercion involved.
SS is a Ponzi scheme and rightfully brought up in the recent Republican debates to shed light on this socialistic endeavor because it involves an inter generational siphoning of life from one generation to the next. Why do I say life, because now over 7% of my income (not 1%) is confiscated from my efforts, skills & time. Time equals life.
As I mentioned during an earlier conversation that you and I had last year I don't want my children nor your children to have to give up a part of their time (life) to pay for mine. Families should take care of & help each other just like you are doing for your mother and I am trying to do for my mother.