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8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:01 pm
by Dardedar

An eight point reference for the amazing Bush/republican job record:

1) Bush lost about 3 million jobs during his last year (the economy needs to create about 1.5 million a year
just to break even with population growth). Two million of those were lost in the last four months of 2008.

2) Bush's Great Recession lost more jobs than the previous FOUR recessions combined.

3) More private sector jobs were created in 2010 under Obama than under eight years of Bush.

4) Incredibly, the US did not gain a single private sector job under Bush. The United States
had a net loss of 673,000 private-sector jobs during Bush's term.

5) Bush has the worst job creation record since records began.

6) Private sector job creation under Obama in 2011 was larger than seven out of the eight years Bush was president.

7) As of June 2012, more jobs have been created in three and half years under Obama, than under the entire twelve years of the three terms of father and son Bush.

8) Over the last 75 years, job creation has always been better under democratic administrations. The worst performing Democratic president beats every republican president.


"If we... look at private sector payrolls after their first six months in office, then Obama has created 3.1 million jobs and Bush created 967,000 jobs." The Atlantic

As of 8/20/12,... "The private sector has actually added jobs since Obama was sworn in -- 427,000 of them," --ibid

"Since... 1961, non-government payrolls increased by nearly 42 million jobs under Democrats, compared with 24 million for Republican presidents, [Labor Dept]. And this even though Democrats occupied the Oval Office for only 23 years since Kennedy, compared with 28 years for Republicans. Through April 2012, Democratic presidents account for an average of 150,000 additional private-sector jobs per month, more than double the 71,000 average for Republicans." (Bloomberg)

"Bureau of Labor Statistics data: During the Bush presidency,
a) net total employment went up by 1.08 million jobs...
b) private employment shrank by 673,000 jobs,
c) federal employment grew by 50,000 jobs, and government employment grew by 1,753,000 jobs."
--National Review, ... ue-de-rugy#

"Whatever benchmark you use, the difference is dramatic. Since Truman was elected in 1948, 53.2 million new jobs were created during the 24 years when Democrats held The White House, and 38.3 million were created during the 36 years of Republican administrations."

"counting from one year into each president’s tenure through to the end of their term... here are the numbers of manufacturing jobs gained or lost per year:
Barack Obama: Increase of 157,368 manufacturing jobs per year in office
George W. Bush: Decrease of 434,143 manufacturing jobs per year in office



Re: 5 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:28 pm
by Dardedar



Re: 5 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:52 am
by Dardedar
"For all of 2011, the economy added 1.6 million jobs, better than the 940,000 added in 2010. The unemployment rate averaged 8.9 percent last year, down from 9.6 percent the previous year.
Economists forecast that the job gains will top 2.1 million this year." --Link

"According to theBLS website, there were 111,634,000 Americans employed in the private sector at the start of George W. Bush's first term, in January 2001. Eight years later, in January 2009, there were 110,961,000 Americans employed in the private sector. So the United States lost 673,000 private-sector jobs on Bush's watch." --Politifact

Re: 7 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:37 am
by Dardedar
First-time jobless benefits claims fall again. Now at the lowest level since March 2008




Re: 7 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 3:31 pm
by Dardedar
Private employment under Clinton/Bush:


This guy says: "Businesses created nearly 150 times as many private sector jobs under President Clinton than they did under President Bush."

But I don't see how that can be since zero private sector jobs were created under Bush (see #4 in top post). So Clinton actually created an infinite x number of jobs more than Bush...

Re: 7 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:57 am
by Dardedar
As of July, the economy has added private-sector jobs for 29 straight months—for a total of 4.5 million jobs during that period.


Re: 7 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:21 pm
by Dardedar
CHART: Bush Vs. Obama On Private And Public Sector Job Creation

"Even with today’s disappointing and troubling jobs report [June 1, 2012], private sector job creation under President Obama has far exceeded private sector job creation under President Bush. 40 months into his presidential term, there are currently more private sector jobs in the economy than when Obama came into office. At the same point in President Bush’s term, the total number of private sector jobs was still down 1.7 percent from where it began.
The numbers are even starker when measuring each president’s record from the moment job creation returned. Private sector job creation returned in February of 2010, the 13th month of President Obama’s term. Since then, the economy has added 4.3 million private sector jobs, a 4 percent increase.
Under President Bush, the economy stopped shedding private sector jobs in July of 2003, fully 30 months into his administration. From that point until May of 2004, the economy added just 1.5 million private sector jobs, an increase of only 1.4 percent.
But there is one area of job creation where President Bush clearly outshines President Obama: the public sector. Public sector employment is now down 608,000 workers since January 2009, a 2.7 percent decline. At the same point in President Bush’s term, public sector employment was up 3.7 percent. If, over the past 40 months, public sector employment had grown at the same pace as it did in President Bush’s first term, there would be 1.4 million additional people at work right now. That’d be enough to bring the unemployment rate down by nearly a full percentage point."



Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:08 pm
by Dardedar
Look who’s talking

Annual rates of employment growth, by president:



Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:22 pm
by Dardedar
Politifact considers the claim: "Democratic presidents "have been considerably more effective at creating private-sector jobs."

"Here are the average annual percentage increases in jobs for each postwar president:

Harry S. Truman (Democrat): increase of 2.95 percent a year
Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican): increase of 0.50 percent a year
John F. Kennedy (Democrat): increase of 2.03 percent a year
Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat): increase of 3.88 percent a year
Richard M. Nixon (Republican): increase of 2.16 percent a year
Gerald R. Ford (Republican): increase of 0.86 percent a year
Jimmy Carter (Democrat): increase of 3.45 percent a year
Ronald Reagan (Republican): increase of 2.46 percent a year
George H.W. Bush (Republican): increase of 0.40 percent a year
Bill Clinton (Democrat): increase of 2.86 percent a year
George W. Bush (Republican): increase of 0.01 percent a year
Barack Obama (Democrat): decrease of 3.0 percent a year

(Can we take time out here to say how surprised we are that Eisenhower, who presided over the "happy" 1950s, managed an anemic half-percent job growth per year, while Jimmy "Malaise" Carter finished second with 3.45 percent annual job growth?)

Now for the totals. If you exclude Obama, Democrats averaged 3.03 percent annual job growth, compared to 1.07 percent for Republicans -- a nearly 3-to-1 advantage.

If you include Obama, the Democrats still held a significant edge. With Obama included, the Democrats averaged 2.03 annual job growth, compared to the same 1.07 for Republicans -- about twice as high as the GOP.

And based on some quick calculations he did, Brookings Institution economist Gary Burtless said that the U.S. working-age population actually grew slightly faster under Republican presidents, making the Democratic accomplishment even more impressive.

So the statistics are clear: Democratic presidents have been more successful at creating jobs."


Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:31 pm
by Dardedar
"The Simple Arithmetic of Employment: Job Growth Is Always Higher When a Democrat Is In The White House"

David Fiderer
Posted: September 6, 2008

"Remember the last time the number of jobs grew more rapidly under an Republican president? John McCain can't. Because he wasn't born yet. Over the past 75 years, one trend has held constant. Rapid job growth only occurs when there's a Democrat in The White House.

No Republican President -- not Eisenhower, not Nixon, not Reagan, not Bush -- has ever created more jobs, or created jobs at a faster rate, than his Democratic predecessor. It's not even close. The contrast has been especially stark over the past 16 years, when 23.1 million jobs were created under Clinton and less than 5 million were created under Bush. On average, job growth under Democrats is more than twice that under Republicans.

Whatever benchmark you use, the difference is dramatic. Since Truman was elected in 1948, 53.2 million new jobs were created during the 24 years when Democrats held The White House, and 38.3 million were created during the 36 years of Republican administrations. Check it out for yourself:"


Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:47 am
by Dardedar
Krugman on public employment:

Government Employment

"During today’s round table on ABC, Rand Paul seemed shocked at my claim that government employment is down under Obama. Of course, it is. But maybe he’s thinking of the fact that since govt employment rose under Bush, we’re still at higher absolute levels than we were a decade ago.

That is, however, a strange comparison: other things equal, you’d expect government employment to grow with population (remember, the typical government employee is a schoolteacher). And here’s what has happened to government employment per capita:


Krugman, NYT's

Underline mine.

Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:24 pm
by Dardedar

Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:07 pm
by Dardedar

Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:13 am
by Dardedar
Job Creation Under The Last 5 Presidents


"The employment recovery during Mr. G.W. Bush's first term was very sluggish, and private employment was down 946,000 jobs at the end of his first term. At the end of Mr. Bush's second term, private employment was collapsing, and there were net 665,000 private sector jobs lost during Mr. Bush's two terms.

Private sector employment increased slightly under President G.H.W. Bush, with 1,490,000 private sector jobs added.

Private sector employment increased by 20,864,000 under President Clinton and 14,688,000 under President Reagan.

There were only 1,933,000 more private sector jobs at the end of Mr. Obama's first term. A few months into Mr. Obama's second term, there are now 2,582,000 more private sector jobs than when he took office.

A big difference between the presidencies has been public sector employment."


Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:15 am
by Dardedar

Re: 8 points regarding the Bush/Republican job record

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:15 pm
by Dardedar
"...the nation’s unemployment rate ticked lower to 7.2%. That’s the lowest it’s been since November 2008 – which is nearly five years ago."

Image ... e-year-low

And: Image
