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Democrats are Losers

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:08 pm
by John Galt
WOW- what a mess of the world you loser democrats have made since 2006 when you took over congress- massive recession and mayhem- plus a complete idiot named Obama was elected president that has never done anything with his life. The ass whipping you idiots will receive in November will be the stuff of history.

WOW- what a freakin' mess you free thunkers have created. The corruption you freaks have created- I know how proud you are of Charlie Rangel- what a racist and what a crook.

You people are sick.

Re: Democrats are Losers

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:32 pm
by kwlyon
Gault! We have missed you! Decided to entertain us again did you? Hey do me a favor and send me a PM and let me know who you really are. I won't tell I promise. Or just let me in on the secret at the next meeting. Then maybe I can make another account and mess with these guys with you! We all know you are part of the group buddy. The gig is soooooo up:) I have been on to you for some time cause, seriously, no one can be that moronic! I am an expert troll:) I have actually been on the EvolutionFarytales sight as a "YEC" since they kicked me off:) And ohhhhh have I sold it to them! I have been utterly amazed at what I can get them to agree with! Comic GOLD I tell you! At any rate, let me in on the secret....who are you really? Darrel....please tell me this is not you...cause that would be like some kinda kinky intellectual masturbation!

Now to be serious, I know you are most likely for real Gault. However, on the off chance you are a freethinker just messing around, yes, I have bought it hook line an sinker. You got me. And you are my hero. Seriously if you come clean now I will gladly become your personal ball washer. But as you are most likely every bit as crazy as you put on...well...let me suggest you obtain a hobby. Preferably something educational because god knows you could do with a bit of education. And if that hobby must be writing your inane babble on this board, well, at least TRY to have some measure of substance to your post. I mean, one can hardly be expected to respond to such verbal incontinence.

Re: Democrats are Losers

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:36 pm
by Dardedar
John Galt wrote:WOW- what a mess of the world you loser democrats have made since 2006 when you took over congress-
Our little hit and run coward, atheist Ayn Rand hero "Galt" always lies or screws it up in either his title, or his very first sentence. And once again, he doesn't disappoint.

Isn't it true that those Demos didn't get their majority installed congress, and thus do any taking over, until 2007? Yes, I think so. And how mighty a little majority in Congress really is! But not mighty enough to stop the depression 2.0 that republicans holding all branches of power ended up causing.

Hey Galt, do try saying something specific and perhaps substantive. Then it's more fun. If you just save up your mindless venom until you have to have a tantrum and spew out some banal insults (and then run of course) there's less to roast. I'd like to give you a good roasting, just for old times sake.

Oops, he's gone....


Re: Democrats are Losers

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:40 pm
by Dardedar
kwlyon wrote:Darrel....please tell me this is not you...cause that would be like some kinda kinky intellectual masturbation!
Yes it would. Good grief. Do a little search on Galt and read some of his old poo. He actually did try to defend his stuff a couple of times. He got hammered flat. Now he just insults and runs.

This was one of my favorite Galt spankings. Bush and the horse thief painting really bothered him.

Galt, if you are too afraid defend your beliefs, do send along a friend with some balls. Please.


Re: Democrats are Losers

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:19 am
by Betsy
Galt is the epitome of the New Republican. (don't call them right wing, tea partiers, birthers, tenthers, neo-cons, or heck, even Republican anymore - their thing now is to decry all labeling (of themselves only, of course) and claim to be independent minded. They'll sometimes claim that they are none of those things, but they are Reagan Republicans, which is nonsense of course because they don't even know what Reagan did anymore, it's all been changed by the revisionist history of FOX "news".

Anyhoo, these new republicans believe that Obama plotted from birth to become president so that he could take down the whole country from the inside with his Socialist/Communist/Muslim/fill-in-the-blank agenda, that he is bringing on the apocalypse with his policies such as the health care reform bill (nevermind that numerous other countries as well as the state of Hawaii have their own forms of universal health care for decades), that Obama is to blame for the economy, the wall-street collapse, the housing market collapse, the war in Afghanistan, any/all problems in Iraq, and for not capping the oil well in the gulf IMMEDIATELY upon its explosion, and for any other possible thing that FOX news can think of. They think that if Obama isn't responsible, then it all started with BILL CLINTON. They think the Democrats took control of everything in 2006 (and then ruined it all). They think they can just go back to whatever the hell GWB was doing and everything will be fine. In other words, they're mentally retarded.
(Actually, I apologize for the insult to mentally retarded people)

The problem I think lies with FOX news and with our evangelical churches, who have been so hornswaggled by the right wing that they're marching behind them - nevermind that Jesus would be appalled at the right wing agenda - somehow they missed that - just the other day a preacher was on the Mike Huckabee show on FOX talking about how Obama's policies are bringing on the apocalypse. Nice. (As an aside, these kinds of things are inciting violent reactions in the kind of the extremist religious right-wingers who watch, listen and believe it.)

AND OH, THE IRONY. If anyone were bringing on an apocalpyse, it was GWB and his administration, what with the invasions of other countries, lies, murder (of thousands of Iraqi civilians), torture, lack of concern for the environment, raping of our Constitutional rights (wiretapping, torture, etc.). Yet somehow, Obama wanting to change the health care/insurance system to cover all Americans, lower costs, reduce fraud and waste, etc. is bringing on the apocalypse.

GOD, I am so sick of these stupid ass people, whatever you call them.

Re: Democrats are Losers

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:26 am
by Dardedar
Betsy wrote: (As an aside, these kinds of things are inciting violent reactions in the kind of the extremist religious right-wingers who watch, listen and believe it.)
Here is a case in point that sums up their morality:

Right-wing 'true patriot' bank robber got away with $86,000 he gave to 'the cause'

"Fenter said robbing banks wasn't to get money for himself or his family. Instead, he did it because he was a "true patriot." The money, he said, went to fund that cause.
"What I am for is real justice, real truth, and real accountability within our system of government," he said. "The money was used and is probably currently being used to get to the truth."
AND OH, THE IRONY. If anyone were bringing on an apocalpyse, it was GWB and his administration, what with the invasions of other countries, lies, murder (of thousands of Iraqi civilians),...
That's got to be over a million Iraqi civilians. We just watched "The Green Zone" the other night. I thought it was really quite good and in it's own exaggerated and idealized Hollywood way portrayed very well the futile WMD search fiasco. It was accurate in a lot of ways. It has some incredible shots of Iraq and really hits home about how many people we are affecting over there.
GOD, I am so sick of these stupid ass people, whatever you call them.
No kidding.

ps. Here's another case in point:

Beck Denies Being "Responsible" For Planned Massacre At Office Of Group He Demonized