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So who meet GreyBear?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:42 pm
by kwlyon
So, GreyBear was at the meeting this last time. I was busily fiddling with particle in a box dressed hamiltonians and lost track of I was sadly absent. Who got to chat with the Bear? Anybody? I'm going to meet him for lunch this week and I wondered if there were any impressions.
Re: So who meet GreyBear?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:48 pm
by Dardedar
We had about 55 in attendance. I didn't notice any grey bears and if there were any they didn't make themselves known to me.
We did give away about 12 posters with pictures from the Hubble space telescope.
Re: So who meet GreyBear?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:59 pm
by Savonarola
kwlyon wrote:So, GreyBear was at the meeting this last time. . . Who got to chat with the Bear?
Not I. I didn't realize that he was there -- not that I stood up to tell everyone who I was, either. Perhaps we should reinstitute our "Ask the Experts" segment if he'll be there this month.
Re: So who meet GreyBear?
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:07 pm
by kwlyon
That sounds like a good idea. I doubt Grey will become a regular however. I don't think our meetings are his cup of tea...but I could be mistaken. I will meet him tomorrow. But my opinion of people is ALWAYS slanted towards the positive. That's just how I roll. So I like to get the impressions of others as well. For example, I thought rather highly of Casey Luskin when I meet him in person...well...I felt that he was just a TAD misinformed yet meant well. I have a hard time believing someone could be so nice in person and yet such a manipulative little shit....and yet...some time ago I was forced to finally concede that he is, in fact, DUMB ON PURPOSE! He is a lying, manipulative, The man is lacking any semblance of moral character. He may well be a "good person" in most aspects of his life yet he is all to willing to lie and deceive when it suits him with little or no concern as to its detriment to society. And he does so with a smile on his face and a soft respectful tone. This makes Luskin dangerous.
What I am getting at is, I am a VERY bad judge of character. Yet I suggested that Grey talk to a graduate student with regards to his ideas...and...well...I can't very well turn him down when he asks to speak with me now can I. I have no idea what he wants to talk about--some type of vortex generator that he wants a physicist input on. Usually this would not concern me however the word "vortex" coming from grey suggest to me that I may need to be prepared to tactfully explain a LOT of physics to someone who really aught to start with College Physics I.
Hey, does anyone know how old you have to be to take classes for free? I know if you are over a certain age you can attend classes at any state university, including ours, for free (not including cost of books of course). I would like to suggest this to him if he is eligible.
Re: So who meet GreyBear?
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:33 pm
by Doug
kwlyon wrote:Hey, does anyone know how old you have to be to take classes for free? I know if you are over a certain age you can attend classes at any state university, including ours, for free (not including cost of books of course). I would like to suggest this to him if he is eligible.
Arkansas residents age 60 and over can attend credit-classes statewide for free. This is the "Golden-Age Waiver."
Re: So who meet GreyBear?
Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:48 am
by kwlyon
Had a good time. He is a nice guy and rather intelligent in person. I was impressed with the amount of effort he has put into some of his "experiments" and I think they may yield some nifty result--though I am certain he will interpret those results rather eccentrically. Now, I do believe he is trying to understand exceedingly complicated ideas with virtually no understanding of basic physics and thus he has formed some inventive theories regarding the nature of gravity. But he is certainly not crazy and I hope I encouraged him to continue to fiddle and think. I hope we can grab a beer some time and continue our discussions. On some level, however, I have to admit I was a tad disappointed. I kinda hoped he would ride in on a john deer tractor and proceed to tell me how Einstein was an idiot and the earth is held together by vortexes of cream cheese.
As for character, well, he is not a Luskin...I don't think there is any real probability that he was snowing me as he didn't seem to have an agenda and he didn't ask me to watch expelled...and then distance himself from