Conversation with a fundie
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:43 am
Joel Smith Alright so what you are telling me is this:
You are not sure how the entire evolution process works, if you did you would be able to repeat it, yet it is a fact.
Let me give you an analogy of what I am understanding:
Imagine if you said to me it is possible to fold a regular A4 sheet of paper in half 13 times, yet you yourself had only managed to fold it in half 12 times. You say it is possible and the evidence is that you have folded it 12 times it must be true because 12 is so close to 13. Yet until you actually fold it 13 times it is not a fact. The same with evolution, unless you can actually repeat the process (it should be possible if it were true) it is not a fact and just a theory.
You then claim that evolution is about replication, why would cells originally decide to do this?
Also I believe that God created the universe, therefore he must have created time as well as they are linked. If God created time then he does not have to be in it. That is different from Him existed in the universe for an infinite amount of time.
You are wrong about the universe consistently expanding and contracting. If this were so what forces would make matter move away from the centre, then back to the centre and back out again and so on.
There are two possibilities; The universe is expanding and will continue to do, or it will stop expanding and slowing contract towards the centre of it into a singularity. If an infinite amount of time had past, either the average temperature of the universe would be approaching zero or it wouldn't really exist at all.
You then go on to say that the universe could have appeared from nothing. Doesn't this contradict with your beliefs about magic?
To answer your question:
Paul's journey to Damascus is mentioned (at least) 3 times in Acts. Chapters 9, 22 and 26.
In all three of his encounters, there are only ever 2 people (voices) speaking.
Acts 22:9
And those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke to me.
Acts 9:7
And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one.
In chapter 26 it doesn't mention whether the men hear anyone or not. In chapter 9 it states "hearing a voice", 'a voice' - meaning singular. It does not state if they hear Paul or if they hear God, but they only heard one of them. In chapter 22, "they did not hear the voice of Him", Him is capitalized because it is referring to God.
So to answer question, no they did not hear Him.
Also about your Ezekiel prophecy, I think you should read this:
exchangedlife . com/skeptic/ezekiel.htm
Zachary Smart Joel,
I don't have a lot of time but Ill try to address your comment.
Your logic is flawed. It is sensible to believe something even if you don't understand everything about it or if it is not repeatable (either because of lack of knowledge, or a technical issue). People, including you, do this all the time. Do you understand everything about electricity or antiboitics? Of course you do not, but it is sensible for you to have the beliefs you do about electricity/antibiotics because reasonable to have them based on observations and evidence.
Or to apply it to your idea of how mankind came into existence, how specifically, did god create the earth (also, which came first, the earth or the stars). Since you can't repeat the process, why do you believe it? Using your reasoning, you should reject everything that is not repeatable.
I'm not going to have a discussion with you about the ultimate fate of the universe. You just aren't qualified to discuss it (yet). I'm not trying to insult you, these subjects you are wanting to discuss are complex. Even scientists disagree on whether the universe as always existed, came into being, or if it is ever expanding or if it contracts as well.
I will say this. The idea of the universe coming into existence from nothing isn't magic, in that I am not suggesting it is super natural. There is some evidence that things do appear from no where with both matter and anti-matter coming into existence at the same time.
Do you see what this silly religion does to your mind?? In one verse it says that saw the light, but didn't here the voice. In the other it says they didn't see anyone but hear a voice. I don't care if you want to play some sort of interpretation jujitsu and try to pretend that the voice mentioned is some one who was there. You know exactly what it means when it says they stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. You aren't dumb. Don't make yourself look stupid trying to defend something that is indefensible.
As to Ezekiel, it is clear, and I mean clear, to anyone who reads those verses that it is says Neb will destroy the city.
herefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee... (7) Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings,... (9) And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers... (10) he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. (11) With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets...
How could it be any clearer?? Also, your little link doesn't explain this.
(19) For thus saith the Lord God; When I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and great waters shall cover thee; (20) ...that thou be not inhabited; (21) I will make thee a terror, and thou shalt be no more: though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou never be found again, saith the Lord God. Ezek. 26:3, 7, 9-11, 14, 19-21
You can go to Trye today. It isn't hard to find at all. Your Bible lies.
Joel Smith How is my logic flawed? You are comparing something you believe happened millions of years ago (evolution), which cannot be repeated today, to something that is happening today and can be repeated (electricity). Two different things.
Also the fact that we do not understand why the laws of physics adds more evidence for a God. There's no reason for them to be there and without them this universe would be pretty messed up. You can't explain what would have cause them and you never will be able if you keep believing in evolution.
Genesis 1:9
Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.
That's how he created the earth. It makes sense as well, if he is God he should be able to do anything.
Also the stars came after the earth.
Do you see what this silly religion does to your mind?? In one verse it says that saw the light, but didn't here the voice. In the other it says they didn't see anyone but hear a voice. I don't care if you want to play some sort of interpretation jujitsu and try to pretend that the voice mentioned is some one who was there. You know exactly what it means when it says they stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. You aren't dumb. Don't make yourself look stupid trying to defend something that is indefensible.
Please show me exactly where it says the people with him heard the voice of God. It says pretty plainly they only heard one voice and they did not hear the voice of God. If there were only two people speaking, logically that voice must have been Paul's.
I think you're just annoyed that this isn't a contradictory like you claimed it to be.
I'm going to repeat it just so you understand.
No where in the bible does it say that the people who were travelling with Paul heard the voice of God.
No where there does it say Nebuchadnezzar will raze the city. It says many nations will attack the city, which happened.
Also I believe that the Phoenician empire hasn't recovered to this day.
http://100prophecies . org/page8.htm
There's a whole site there explaining that prophecy as well as many others. I encourage you to read them.
Do you have any other scriptures from the bible you do not understand properly?
Zachary Smart Joel, I think you are either not understanding my points, or you are intentionally being obtuse.
1- It is sensible to believe things that cannot be repeated as there can be evidence for such things. Also, you agree with me because you believe in things that cannot be repeated.
2- And this is a separate point. It is sensible to believesomething even if you do not have complete knowledge of it. That is what my electricity example was about. You believe things that you don't have a complete knowledge of. How would it even be possible to know every little detail of something? Using your absurd rule, you couldn't ever believe in anything without knowing everything about it. This really isn't a hard point to grasp.
3- As stated before, you are not qualified to discuss the laws of the universe on the level you are trying to engage me with in conversation. I'm not being mean here, but you clearly don't have a grasp of the topics you are trying to bring up. That's okay, not many people do, but the entire argument you are trying to make here does not stand to reason. You seem to be saying, "We can't explain X, therefore, god must have created X". That is flawed logic. How is that different than the ancient Greeks saying "We can't explain the sun, therefore it is Apollo ridding around on a chariot of fire", or people saying "We can't explain a rainbow, therefore, it is god promising he won't flood the world"
4- Evolution is a fact. I'm not going to argue with you about this, because if you insist that evolution is not a fact, you are either ignorant, incredible stupid, or rationalizing that it doesn't occur because it believing it would create a massive amount of cognitive dissidence for you to have to deal with...and no one likes cognitive dissidence.
5- Here is what it says:
"And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man."
How mentally impaired are you that you interrupt that as anything other than exactly what it says. No one in their right mind would interrupt that as the voice belonging to Saul. I suspect that you are an otherwise intelligent person, but do you see what religion is doing to you? It makes you mind twist, bend, and distort things so they can agree with your seriously messed up belief system. You are arguing things that would make anyone look like a fool. I know you see the problem here.
"No where there does it say Nebuchadnezzar will raze the city. "
Yes, it does. How else do you interrupt that? It also says TYRE, not the Phoenician empire or anything else you want to twist the verse to into saying it says the city of TYRE, shall never be rebuilt or found again. Well, that's just not true is it?
Joel Smith I may not be able to understand what you believe as you claim, so I'll stop trying to disprove common sense to you. But I'll continue with the topic of the bible, since you obviously do not know as much as you claim.
It states quite clearly that they only heard one voice. If they heard multiple voices it would say "They saw no one but heard voices". It's pretty clear they only heard Paul. Obviously you do not know the difference between plural and singular.
It makes perfect sense, I have explained this to several others as well and not one of them did not understand it. So you are either one of three things: Really bad at interpretating scriptures, not as smart as you appear to be, or you refuse to believe this because you no that is disproves all of your facts.
Please show me where it says Babylon will raze Tyre to the ground. And Tyre was the capitol
Also you claim there are heaps of false prophecies and contradictions throughout the bible, please show these to me.
One more question for you: Tonight I was at church, I saw (with my own eyes) people legs grow out in front of me, people I have known for some time. After their legs grew, their pain also started leaving their body.
Now before you go away and say I'm lying. If I was lying I would be contradicting beliefs and my relationship with God. If my God was not real, there is no reason why I would want you to believe in Him. So if it's not logical for me to lie, logically it must be true.
You are not sure how the entire evolution process works, if you did you would be able to repeat it, yet it is a fact.
Let me give you an analogy of what I am understanding:
Imagine if you said to me it is possible to fold a regular A4 sheet of paper in half 13 times, yet you yourself had only managed to fold it in half 12 times. You say it is possible and the evidence is that you have folded it 12 times it must be true because 12 is so close to 13. Yet until you actually fold it 13 times it is not a fact. The same with evolution, unless you can actually repeat the process (it should be possible if it were true) it is not a fact and just a theory.
You then claim that evolution is about replication, why would cells originally decide to do this?
Also I believe that God created the universe, therefore he must have created time as well as they are linked. If God created time then he does not have to be in it. That is different from Him existed in the universe for an infinite amount of time.
You are wrong about the universe consistently expanding and contracting. If this were so what forces would make matter move away from the centre, then back to the centre and back out again and so on.
There are two possibilities; The universe is expanding and will continue to do, or it will stop expanding and slowing contract towards the centre of it into a singularity. If an infinite amount of time had past, either the average temperature of the universe would be approaching zero or it wouldn't really exist at all.
You then go on to say that the universe could have appeared from nothing. Doesn't this contradict with your beliefs about magic?
To answer your question:
Paul's journey to Damascus is mentioned (at least) 3 times in Acts. Chapters 9, 22 and 26.
In all three of his encounters, there are only ever 2 people (voices) speaking.
Acts 22:9
And those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke to me.
Acts 9:7
And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one.
In chapter 26 it doesn't mention whether the men hear anyone or not. In chapter 9 it states "hearing a voice", 'a voice' - meaning singular. It does not state if they hear Paul or if they hear God, but they only heard one of them. In chapter 22, "they did not hear the voice of Him", Him is capitalized because it is referring to God.
So to answer question, no they did not hear Him.
Also about your Ezekiel prophecy, I think you should read this:
exchangedlife . com/skeptic/ezekiel.htm
Zachary Smart Joel,
I don't have a lot of time but Ill try to address your comment.
Your logic is flawed. It is sensible to believe something even if you don't understand everything about it or if it is not repeatable (either because of lack of knowledge, or a technical issue). People, including you, do this all the time. Do you understand everything about electricity or antiboitics? Of course you do not, but it is sensible for you to have the beliefs you do about electricity/antibiotics because reasonable to have them based on observations and evidence.
Or to apply it to your idea of how mankind came into existence, how specifically, did god create the earth (also, which came first, the earth or the stars). Since you can't repeat the process, why do you believe it? Using your reasoning, you should reject everything that is not repeatable.
I'm not going to have a discussion with you about the ultimate fate of the universe. You just aren't qualified to discuss it (yet). I'm not trying to insult you, these subjects you are wanting to discuss are complex. Even scientists disagree on whether the universe as always existed, came into being, or if it is ever expanding or if it contracts as well.
I will say this. The idea of the universe coming into existence from nothing isn't magic, in that I am not suggesting it is super natural. There is some evidence that things do appear from no where with both matter and anti-matter coming into existence at the same time.
Do you see what this silly religion does to your mind?? In one verse it says that saw the light, but didn't here the voice. In the other it says they didn't see anyone but hear a voice. I don't care if you want to play some sort of interpretation jujitsu and try to pretend that the voice mentioned is some one who was there. You know exactly what it means when it says they stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. You aren't dumb. Don't make yourself look stupid trying to defend something that is indefensible.
As to Ezekiel, it is clear, and I mean clear, to anyone who reads those verses that it is says Neb will destroy the city.
herefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee... (7) Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings,... (9) And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers... (10) he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. (11) With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets...
How could it be any clearer?? Also, your little link doesn't explain this.
(19) For thus saith the Lord God; When I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and great waters shall cover thee; (20) ...that thou be not inhabited; (21) I will make thee a terror, and thou shalt be no more: though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou never be found again, saith the Lord God. Ezek. 26:3, 7, 9-11, 14, 19-21
You can go to Trye today. It isn't hard to find at all. Your Bible lies.
Joel Smith How is my logic flawed? You are comparing something you believe happened millions of years ago (evolution), which cannot be repeated today, to something that is happening today and can be repeated (electricity). Two different things.
Also the fact that we do not understand why the laws of physics adds more evidence for a God. There's no reason for them to be there and without them this universe would be pretty messed up. You can't explain what would have cause them and you never will be able if you keep believing in evolution.
Genesis 1:9
Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.
That's how he created the earth. It makes sense as well, if he is God he should be able to do anything.
Also the stars came after the earth.
Do you see what this silly religion does to your mind?? In one verse it says that saw the light, but didn't here the voice. In the other it says they didn't see anyone but hear a voice. I don't care if you want to play some sort of interpretation jujitsu and try to pretend that the voice mentioned is some one who was there. You know exactly what it means when it says they stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. You aren't dumb. Don't make yourself look stupid trying to defend something that is indefensible.
Please show me exactly where it says the people with him heard the voice of God. It says pretty plainly they only heard one voice and they did not hear the voice of God. If there were only two people speaking, logically that voice must have been Paul's.
I think you're just annoyed that this isn't a contradictory like you claimed it to be.
I'm going to repeat it just so you understand.
No where in the bible does it say that the people who were travelling with Paul heard the voice of God.
No where there does it say Nebuchadnezzar will raze the city. It says many nations will attack the city, which happened.
Also I believe that the Phoenician empire hasn't recovered to this day.
http://100prophecies . org/page8.htm
There's a whole site there explaining that prophecy as well as many others. I encourage you to read them.
Do you have any other scriptures from the bible you do not understand properly?
Zachary Smart Joel, I think you are either not understanding my points, or you are intentionally being obtuse.
1- It is sensible to believe things that cannot be repeated as there can be evidence for such things. Also, you agree with me because you believe in things that cannot be repeated.
2- And this is a separate point. It is sensible to believesomething even if you do not have complete knowledge of it. That is what my electricity example was about. You believe things that you don't have a complete knowledge of. How would it even be possible to know every little detail of something? Using your absurd rule, you couldn't ever believe in anything without knowing everything about it. This really isn't a hard point to grasp.
3- As stated before, you are not qualified to discuss the laws of the universe on the level you are trying to engage me with in conversation. I'm not being mean here, but you clearly don't have a grasp of the topics you are trying to bring up. That's okay, not many people do, but the entire argument you are trying to make here does not stand to reason. You seem to be saying, "We can't explain X, therefore, god must have created X". That is flawed logic. How is that different than the ancient Greeks saying "We can't explain the sun, therefore it is Apollo ridding around on a chariot of fire", or people saying "We can't explain a rainbow, therefore, it is god promising he won't flood the world"
4- Evolution is a fact. I'm not going to argue with you about this, because if you insist that evolution is not a fact, you are either ignorant, incredible stupid, or rationalizing that it doesn't occur because it believing it would create a massive amount of cognitive dissidence for you to have to deal with...and no one likes cognitive dissidence.
5- Here is what it says:
"And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man."
How mentally impaired are you that you interrupt that as anything other than exactly what it says. No one in their right mind would interrupt that as the voice belonging to Saul. I suspect that you are an otherwise intelligent person, but do you see what religion is doing to you? It makes you mind twist, bend, and distort things so they can agree with your seriously messed up belief system. You are arguing things that would make anyone look like a fool. I know you see the problem here.
"No where there does it say Nebuchadnezzar will raze the city. "
Yes, it does. How else do you interrupt that? It also says TYRE, not the Phoenician empire or anything else you want to twist the verse to into saying it says the city of TYRE, shall never be rebuilt or found again. Well, that's just not true is it?
Joel Smith I may not be able to understand what you believe as you claim, so I'll stop trying to disprove common sense to you. But I'll continue with the topic of the bible, since you obviously do not know as much as you claim.
It states quite clearly that they only heard one voice. If they heard multiple voices it would say "They saw no one but heard voices". It's pretty clear they only heard Paul. Obviously you do not know the difference between plural and singular.
It makes perfect sense, I have explained this to several others as well and not one of them did not understand it. So you are either one of three things: Really bad at interpretating scriptures, not as smart as you appear to be, or you refuse to believe this because you no that is disproves all of your facts.
Please show me where it says Babylon will raze Tyre to the ground. And Tyre was the capitol
Also you claim there are heaps of false prophecies and contradictions throughout the bible, please show these to me.
One more question for you: Tonight I was at church, I saw (with my own eyes) people legs grow out in front of me, people I have known for some time. After their legs grew, their pain also started leaving their body.
Now before you go away and say I'm lying. If I was lying I would be contradicting beliefs and my relationship with God. If my God was not real, there is no reason why I would want you to believe in Him. So if it's not logical for me to lie, logically it must be true.