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A tour around the mind of the Bush follower

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:15 pm
by Dardedar
By Glen Greenwald

Today's tour around the mind of the Bush follower

(1) Newt Gingrich argued yesterday that Republicans should remind the electorate that "Republicans are right to favor traditional American conservative social values, and the left is completely wrong to put San Francisco left-wing values third in line to be President by electing Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) to speaker of the House."

Nancy Pelosi's "San Francisco left-wing values":

"Upon graduation in 1962, she married Georgetown University graduate Paul Pelosi." "Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, a native of San Francisco, have five children: Nancy Corinne, Christine, Jacqueline, Paul and Alexandra, and five grandchildren."

Newt Gingrich's "traditional American conservative social values":

In 1981, Newt dumped his first wife, Jackie Battley, for Marianne, wife number 2, while Jackie was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatment. Marianne and Newt divorced in December, 1999 after Marianne found out about Newt's long-running affair with Callista Bisek, his one-time congressional aide. Gingrich asked Marianne for the divorce by phoning her on Mother's Day, 1999. [Source: New York Post, July 18, 2000, Newt's Ex Wife Aiming to Pen Book by Bill Sanderson, available on lexis].
Newt (57) and Callista (34) were married in a private ceremony in a hotel courtyard in Alexandria, Va. in August, 2000. . . .

"He famously visited Jackie in the hospital where she was recovering from surgery for uterine cancer to discuss details of the divorce. He later resisted paying alimony and child support for his two daughters, causing a church to take up a collection. For all of his talk of religious faith and the importance of God, Gingrich left his congregation over the pastor's criticism of his divorce."

The consistency in reasoning is at least impressive. Those who evaded military service during wars they cheered on are brave, courageous, resolute warriors. Those who fought for their country in combat are cowards and appeasers.

Those who repeatedly dump their wives for new and better versions, and run around engaging in the sleaziest and most unrestrained sexual behavior, are stalwart defenders of traditional American and Christian values. Those who stay married to their original spouse for their entire lives and raise a family together are godless, radical heathens who represent "San Francisco values" and seek to undermine the country's moral fiber and Christian traditions.


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:58 pm
by JD Allen
That's always been interesting to me. It also goes along with the fact that atheism is the "faith" with the lowest divorce rate in America.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:45 am
by ChristianLoeschel
Its this "Love God first" bullshit. Kind of tends to make people not give a fuck how their actions affect others. Mystical_Faerie_Creature_V.109 will fix it all.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:38 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Actually, the fact that anyone can call himself a Christian means a whole lot of people the Man himself said to look out for (Many call 'Lord, Lord', but I do not know them; By their fruits shall ye know them, etc) get brownie points for just claiming the label. Jesus tended to call those who use religion position to garner power, "hyprcrites" - nothing new under the sun. I do know very good people who call themselves christians and are trying to live the "christian" life (pretty much set out in Matthew - the "I was hungry and you fed me..." stuff). It's almost as if, in our society, people have to have an excuse for being good, so they blame it on Jesus. As if the normal state is hypocrisy - and maybe it is, but I think it's more a function of too much population in a disconnected society. While there are many problems with small hunter-gatherer and agrarian groups, this kind of hypocrisy doesn't seem to be one of them. Maybe it's just because they are so isolated from "others" while in modern American society we are surrounded by "others" - Sigh.

Finally A Commandment for Americans...

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:55 pm
by Doug
Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:I do know very good people who call themselves christians and are trying to live the "christian" life (pretty much set out in Matthew - the "I was hungry and you fed me..." stuff).
If Jesus came to America...

Well, in the United States that is one commandment that we won't have trouble following.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:37 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
With something like six million starving children under the age of 6 in America, I think we can use the original meaning.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:05 pm
by Doug
Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:With something like six million starving children under the age of 6 in America, I think we can use the original meaning.
Right. I guess many have changed the meaning of Jesus's words to: "I was hungry and I fed myself."

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:54 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Yeah, many calling themselves christians don't believe is physical "darwinism" but they sure believe in "social darwinism" - another term for greed - that good people of any religion (or no religion) following the "golden rule" totally repudiate.