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Republican = Stupid

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:40 pm
by Doug
It's official. Republicans are stupid.

A new poll of more than 2,000 self-identified Republican voters illustrates the incredible paranoia enveloping the party and the intense pressure drawing lawmakers further and further away from political moderation.

The numbers speak for themselves -- a large portion of GOP voters think that President Obama is racist, socialist or a non-US citizen -- though, when considering them, it is important to note that a disproportionate percentage of respondents are from GOP strongholds in the South (42 percent) as opposed to the Northeast (11 percent). Also note that this is a poll of self-identified Republicans, which means that independent Tea Party types are not included.

Nevertheless here are some of the standout figures as provided by Daily Kos/Research 2000:

39 percent of Republicans believe Obama should be impeached, 29 percent are not sure, 32 percent said he should not be voted out of office.

36 percent of Republicans believe Obama was not born in the United States, 22 percent are not sure, 42 percent think he is a natural citizen.

31 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a "Racist who hates White people" -- the description once adopted by Fox News's Glenn Beck. 33 percent were not sure, and 36 percent said he was not a racist.

63 percent of Republicans think Obama is a socialist, 16 percent are not sure, 21 percent say he is not

24 percent of Republicans believe Obama wants "the terrorists to win," 33 percent aren't sure, 43 percent said he did not want the terrorist to win.

21 percent of Republicans believe ACORN stole the 2008 election, 55 percent are not sure, 24 percent said the community organizing group did not steal the election.

23 percent of Republicans believe that their state should secede from the United States, 19 percent aren't sure, 58 percent said no.

53 percent of Republicans said they believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama.

See here.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:56 pm
by Skudd
There's enough stupid in both parties to nullify any good going on.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:00 am
by L.Wood
percent of Republicans think Obama is a socialist, 16 percent are not sure, 21 percent say he is not
It has never ceased to amaze me that most short-sighted, low information people can always see the socialist in another but not in their own life.

Congressman John Boozman was the first Republican in my district who began tossing around the "socialist" word back when several of us visited his
office 7-8 years ago. Yet, Boozman will benefit from much of what is truly socialist such as his government paid pension, his government paid healthcare, and
use the U.S. Postal service for free to correspond with constituents.

I'm amazed to see local people who cannot understand that their local, reliable water and sewer services are pure socialism. In some cities in Arkansas the city
governments own and lease telephone, cable and electrical services to and for the citizens. Pure socialism.

Bush and Republicans began the largest socialistic program in our history when they socialized risks and losses of commercial banks, investment houses and insurance companies.
The profits of such operations remain privatized.

Socialism no longer has a definite meaning since the Republicans have politicized the term to suit their own purposes.

Sarah Palin was a socialist in Alaska. She passed the largest tax increase in Alaska's history and distributed the tax proceeds on a per capita basis. Alaskan oil is part of their
commonwealth or collective, socialistic entitlement. Sarah simply increased the socialistic share of the oil that goes to the people.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:01 am
by Doug
As Bill Maher oftens says, "Obama is a Socialist? He's not even a liberal!"

Challenge conservatives who claim that Obama is a socialist to name one liberal policy he's passed since he's taken office.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:34 am
by Dardedar
L.Wood wrote:.63 percent of Republicans think Obama is a socialist, 16 percent are not sure, 21 percent say he is not
Bush and Republicans began the largest socialistic program in our history when they socialized risks and losses of commercial banks,... [/quote]

They also created the third largest Department Cabinet department. Pure socialism.

"With more than 200,000 employees, Department of Homeland Security is the third largest Cabinet department, after the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs."
There's enough stupid in both parties to nullify any good going on.
It's tempting to play a role of "objective news reporter," and say, "on the other hand, let's point out that the other side is..." but really, as the above shows in black and white, there is no comparison.

Show me a poll of Demo's that has a third to one half of them holding a remotely equal level of insane beliefs on a host of topics. You can't do it.



Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:43 pm
by Skudd
Darrel wrote:
L.Wood wrote:
There's enough stupid in both parties to nullify any good going on.
It's tempting to play a role of "objective news reporter," and say, "on the other hand, let's point out that the other side is..." but really, as the above shows in black and white, there is no comparison.

Show me a poll of Demo's that has a third to one half of them holding a remotely equal level of insane beliefs on a host of topics. You can't do it.
I’m speaking of the political parties and not fringe constituencies. Nor am I concerned with a poll that may or not be relevant or accurate due to sampling methodology. Many polls (unfortunately) are skewed due to the beliefs of the customer (and this is on both sides).

Both political parties have performed pitifully, and should be ashaimed that they are collecting a pay-check (and future retirement benefits) on the tax payers tab.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:47 pm
by kwlyon
I must be forthcoming in admitting to be quite liberal in general. However I make this statement, not as a liberal, but as an american who has put a lot of thought and self-critique into this observation. I have tired to keep in mind that the democrats are guilty of some substantial stupid as well...and that my views lead me to lean more towards a desire to recognize republican stupid more often than democrat stupid. However I must say that the level of willful ignorance and belligerent narcissism coming from the right these days is staggering. I mean, there really isn't a democratic version of Ann Coulter is there? I don't even think there is a democrat version of Bill-O. Sure him and keith go at it all the time however Oberman is not his counter...Oberman has not been caught in a million blatant lies and distortions....Oberman isn't claiming the religious high-ground while simultaneously being recorded sexually harassing his employee--Wanted to rub her down with a luffa or something to that effect...what an idiot. I'm not saying the democrats are good guys...however the republican party has gone absolutely balls out crazy. My greatest concern is that the democrats will run amuck now that there is no opposing party to keep their feet to the fire. The GOP has sunk to the level of pure propaganda and fear rhetoric. This happens on both sides...but it seems to be the ONLY thing coming from the right these days. Oh...yea.... where is the democratic version of Sarah Palin?

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:44 am
by graybear13
To paraphrase Jesse Ventura...Politics in America has become nothing more than a show for the people, it's just like professional wrestling. There is really no difference between the Democratic politicians and the Republican politicians...they all have the same domination.

Sociology is cynically being used by some of the brightest minds in the world to discover ways to manipulate the American electorate. Keeping the american people confused, divided, and pitted against each other is how they keep their power.

"The more you read and observe about this Politics
thing , you got to admit that each party is
worse than the other. The one that's out always
looks the best." Will Rogers

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:54 am
by kwlyon
I find myself in general agreement with you Grey. Both parties have historically been a problem. I also agree that the Democrats are not to be trusted...we must keep our eyes on them and our hands on the reins (VOTE). However the two parties have, historically, at least to a limited extent, kept the other party in line. What we have now, perhaps for the first time in our history, or at the very least for the first time I can remember in my short life, is a party that has catered entirely to the mentally unstable and the horrifically ill-informed. They are pushing a campaign of confusion and I don't really understand what their motives are. I don't know that they are "evil" people because there simply doesn't seem to be anything to gain from it all. Sure you can point toward the corporations grip on our country, however this doesn't make since as the democrats are equally tied up in "corporate greed" and we are talking about fiscal irresponsibility on the level that could very easily bring down our government...and consequently end the corporate interest. I think I am slowly coming to the conclusion that, though politicians have always been crooked, both democrats and republicans, the republicans have now become both crooked AND stupid. Thus they do not understand that their selfish actions are ultimately self defeating. The big problem is we NEED the conservative party. Without them us bleeding heart liberals will find a way to run the country into the dirt in our own way! And right now there is not a functional conservative party...nor a progressive liberal party for that matter. There are the democrats who have become rather conservative frankly. And there is the Republican party who have gone absolutely batshit crazy. They are not liberal or conservative...they are crackerass nutts.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:22 pm
by Doug
graybear13 wrote:To paraphrase Jesse Ventura...Politics in America has become nothing more than a show for the people, it's just like professional wrestling. There is really no difference between the Democratic politicians and the Republican politicians...they all have the same domination.
No, that's the easy way out, to simply throw up your hands because figuring out who is right would take more work. But there are differences in the parties. Democrats would like to change our health care system and make it cheaper, more effective, and universal. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to give gays equality. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to promote education with federal funding. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to promote science unfettered by superstition. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to hold our country to the same international standards and U.N. commitments we expect of other countries. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to combat global warming. Republicans oppose this. The list goes on and on.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:29 pm
by kwlyon
I think this is what I was trying to say...Is this the first time in history where it has been so clear who the Bad Guys are? I just don't understand how people are not seeing this for what it is. The Democrats are not really the "good guys"...but the GOP are most certainly the Bad Guys. I mean I don't even see this as a shade of grey any do you justify their suborn idiocy? How do you account for them actively trying to take away rights from their fellow americans? I mean how do homosexuals getting married have a damn thing to do with the rest of the worlds rights? It is utter insanity and fear mongering.

Your High Emperor


Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:13 am
by L.Wood

They are pushing a campaign of confusion and I don't really understand what their motives are.
Try this. Joe Bageant explains it well.

...........Taking Tea with the Lizards
By Joe Bageant
Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico

The Republican Party will beat the living piss out of anybody for a buck. The Democrats will fly the flag of FDR, even as they pirate the public coffers on behalf of Wall Street. Don't think the American people have not noticed these things. After thirty years of pistol whipping and emptying of their wallets, they've started to figure out there just may be a public robbery underway, with both parties as accomplices.
And so Americans at both ends of the political spectrum are finally wising up to the need for a third party. Even if it is a third party within their own party, which is no third party at all, of course. However, for Americans it's all about branding, what you call a thing, that's important. Call a six-ounce block of corn sugar with sunflower seeds and raisins stuck on the outside an "Organic Energy Bar" and by god, you have natural food right there on the 7-Eleven shelf. What a thing is called is how a nation a people carefully bred for consumption will see it, thanks to that advertising arm of American capitalism called the news media.

Presently surfacing from the frothing drek we call our political system is a thing called the Tea Party. Whether advertised as such or not, the Tea Party is viewed by millions as an emerging third party, or the functional equivalent of one. In some dark recess of the American consciousness -- hard to tell which one because it's all darkness and recession -- millions have figured out that nobody is getting what they want or need from Congress, except the corporations that own Congress. Actually, dedicated voters on the far right are getting exactly what they have voted for -- a police state -- but do not recognize it yet. No matter. Millions are unhappy and one way or another, think a third party, or the threat of one at least, offers a solution. And how could you go wrong with a brand evoking hallowed images from Ms. Jenkins fourth grade history class of the Boston Tea Party?

The Tea Party is the latest neoconservative end run around the possibility of a real third party emerging to threaten the status quo. To be honest, it's a brilliant political move, absorbing any energies that might have propelled a real third party. And, in true neocon fashion, it capitalizes on the working class' inchoate anger at the ongoing screwjob they've been getting from both parties for thirty years.

continue reading Joe's Deer Hunting with Jesus column here..


Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:52 am
by kwlyon
L.Wood wrote:.

They are pushing a campaign of confusion and I don't really understand what their motives are.
Try this. Joe Bageant explains it well.
Thanks, that was an interesting read...but no, it does not address the point I was trying to make at all. Of course politicians on both sides are trying to screw us and of course they tend to look after their own interest--often at the expense of the public interest. However the current behavior of the GOP, both their fiscal irresponsibility as well as their intentional proliferation of misinformation, is destabilizing our society. Republican policies have pushed us to the brink of national bankruptcy while somehow keeping the public completely in the dark...and in fact rooting in the streets for more of the same. It is one thing to screw the public for personal gain...but they have crossed the line into crazy. There is no personal gain for anyone the day we cross that line where we can no longer pay the interest on our national debt. At this point it is over baby...done deal. If we don't come up with a sustainable energy policy we may not find ourselves becoming "instant toast" but we will begin to feel the burn. The GOP is denying the problem even exist...they believe we just need to "drill baby drill". Their stupid has gone beyond mere manipulation of the is dangerously out of control.

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:54 am
by Skudd
graybear13 wrote:To paraphrase Jesse Ventura...Politics in America has become nothing more than a show for the people, it's just like professional wrestling. There is really no difference between the Democratic politicians and the Republican politicians...they all have the same domination.

Sociology is cynically being used by some of the brightest minds in the world to discover ways to manipulate the American electorate. Keeping the american people confused, divided, and pitted against each other is how they keep their power.

"The more you read and observe about this Politics
thing , you got to admit that each party is
worse than the other. The one that's out always
looks the best." Will Rogers
:lol: Wasn't it will Rogers who also said "the word Politics comes from the Latin 'Poly' meaning many and 'Ticks' meaning blood sucking parasites"?

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:34 pm
by Guest
Doug wrote:
No, that's the easy way out, to simply throw up your hands because figuring out who is right would take more work. But there are differences in the parties. Democrats would like to change our health care system and make it cheaper, more effective, and universal. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to give gays equality. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to promote education with federal funding. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to promote science unfettered by superstition. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to hold our country to the same international standards and U.N. commitments we expect of other countries. Republicans oppose this. Democrats want to combat global warming. Republicans oppose this. The list goes on and on.


I agree with everything you say about the differences in the parties.

What I was trying to point out is that the TOP LEADERSHIPS of the two parties are useing these differences to confuse the people so we take our eyes off the ball.

All of the issues you mention are very important and can be solved with some good faith bipartisanship and hard work on both sides but that is not what the leadership wants. They want to make us afraid of everything they possibly can. Then, when the confused and frightened masses look to these same leaders for protection we will believe just about anything the they tell us and the U.S. and NATO can continue their military campaign to secure the worlds oil supply for themslves under the guise of fighting terrorism.

The scariest thing, to me, in all of this is the nuclear threat. I remember, as a child, growing up on the west coast of Florida during the Cuban missile crisis being told that an aerial detonation a few miles off the coast of Miami would send a wall of water across the entire state. That scared the shit out of me. It is insanity that these weapons exist!

We have to find a way to make war illegal through the U.N. or some united democratic world government. The world government that is emerging now...basically the U.S. & unacceptable.
All the nations of the world have to be equal partners and share equally in the protection of themselves against terrorism. This will, for one thing, produce a world police force. No more nation against another...only police actions sanctioned by all nations. At that point nuclear weapons would be obsolete. There can be no possible scenario where a nuclear weapon would be necessary in a police action.

The belief that nations would benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals is the chief barrier to world peace.

"World peace cannot be maintained by treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, aliances, balance of power or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. World law must come into being and must be enforced by world government--the sovereignty of all mankind."

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:00 pm
by kwlyon
Don't know if this belongs here but I was wowed by here:

Be sure to check out table 1: ... egory=1777

Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:38 am
by Dardedar
Look into the face of stupid:


"Nine suspects tied to Hutaree, a Christian militia that was preparing for the Antichrist were charged with conspiring to kill police officers, then kill scores more by attacking a funeral using homemade bombs,..."


Re: Republican = Stupid

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:21 pm
by Doug
kwlyon wrote:Don't know if this belongs here but I was wowed by here:
Caution: The Harris Interactive Poll is not very scientific. It is not a random sampling, since it is only of those who have signed up to be polled, and not all of them participate in any one given poll. So the results may not resemble what one would get in a scientific poll.