Global Warming Hoax Exposed

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Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Thinker »

Nice to finally see that the climate change hoax and lies exposed- I guess your guys feel duped- I am sorry.

Funny how links can't be posted- I guess the truth will not set you free.
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Savonarola »

Thinker wrote:Nice to finally see that the climate change hoax and lies exposed- I guess your guys feel duped- I am sorry.

Funny how links can't be posted- I guess the truth will not set you free.
Links can't be posted by guests because of spam issues in the past. We kept guest posting as unrestricted as possible until the board administrators spent more time deleting spam than sleeping.

Register for an account, make a couple of posts that prove that you're not a spammer, we'll approve them, and then you can post URLs. You don't have to pretend that you like us or agree with us, just that you won't spam us with advertisements.

Then, post your arguments, provide supporting links, and we'll make you look like an idiot fair and square.
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by tmiller51 »

I'm going to take a wild guess that it has something to do with this: U.N. apologizes for botched climate prediction in which one piece of non-peer reviewed data in the 2007 IPCC report turns out to be incorrect.

However, that does not mean the overall conclusions are wrong, just that flat earthers and climate deniers don't know how science works.

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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Dardedar »

tmiller51 wrote:I'm going to take a wild guess that it has something to do with...
If Mr. Thinker had made the effort to even mention what was talking about, it wouldn't be necessary to guess. A person can't make a case without a link? My guess he is trying to say something about the stolen emails.

Come on Mr. Thinker, let's see the results of what you've been thinking about. While your title teases with great promise, your actual post was a let down.
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by kwlyon »

Actually global warming is a hoax...God told me directly. This is my word...and as such is BEYOND CONTESTATION! Sorry about that...I just got finished watching "A Knight's Tale". That part of the movie just gets me every time!
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Betsy »

Even if global warming science was wrong, and it most likely isn't, why would anyone fight AGAINST taking care of the environment? don't we want clean air, clean water, and a healthy earth? Don't we want to conserve our natural resources so they last longer? I really don't understand why anyone would be against this, much less so vehemently against this. I know, I know, corporations want to make money - but that's not a good reason to trash the environment.
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Savonarola »

Betsy wrote:I know, I know, corporations want to make money - but that's not a good reason to trash the environment.
Betsy... for most corporations, money is the only reason for anything.
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by kwlyon »

Betsy wrote:Even if global warming science was wrong, and it most likely isn't, why would anyone fight AGAINST taking care of the environment? don't we want clean air, clean water, and a healthy earth? Don't we want to conserve our natural resources so they last longer? I really don't understand why anyone would be against this, much less so vehemently against this. I know, I know, corporations want to make money - but that's not a good reason to trash the environment.
Corporations need to wake's not all about the environment...our current technology is simply unsustainable. If we want to continue to live the way we do we must begin searching for alternative, sustainable energy technologies.
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Skudd »

Betsy wrote:Even if global warming science was wrong, and it most likely isn't, why would anyone fight AGAINST taking care of the environment?

I would have to totally agree with that Betsy.
Last edited by Skudd on Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Blah-Blah-Blah... Yadda-Yadda-Yadda
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Re: Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Post by Skudd »

Why can't a groundswell from the grassroots make a difference?
Blah-Blah-Blah... Yadda-Yadda-Yadda
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