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International Blasphemy Day--Sept 30th

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:13 pm
by Doug
Details Here.


Some governments and institutions-and even some individuals-want to keep certain topics off limits. This is especially true with religion. In many places, discussions and questions about religion are discouraged, even punished. But how can we come to our own conclusions about religion if we can't freely examine and discuss it?

“Preserving the right to uncensored expression is important not only because it is indispensable for an objective examination of truth claims—it is no accident that dictatorships uniformly suppress speech—but also because it has intrinsic value. Human dignity requires the freedom to express oneself as an individual.”
— Ronald A. Lindsay, CFI President and CEO

As part of its Campaign for Free Expression and to jump-start a dialogue about the importance of free speech, the Center for Inquiry is proud to sponsor Blasphemy Day 2009.