The hurdles that newly registered users will find:
- Newly registered users' posts will not be posted to the boards until a moderator has approved the new user's first batch of posts. That is, a user's submissions will be posted automatically only after one post from that user has been approved. Be aware that multiple posts may be queued before approval, but once a single post has been approved, further submissions no longer require approval. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how long it will take for a moderator to approve any posts.
- Newly registered users will not be allowed to use the [url] tag until after their third post. Be aware that queuing four posts before moderator approval does not mean that your fourth post qualifies to post links.
Once a registered user has both had a submission approved and also made three posts, that user will have no more anti-spam hurdles to jump.
Previously registered users who already have one submission posted will have their submissions posted directly.
Previously registered users who have fewer than three posts are affected by #2 above.
As these modifications affect new users only in the infancy of their membership here, I hope that these changes do not deter anyone from registering. Rather, I hope that the prospect of a board with minimal spam is an impetus for further registrations.
Questions may be posted in this thread. Thank you for your cooperation.
--Savonarola, Mod@Large