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Iraq Victory Party Rather Costly

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:08 pm
by Doug
Millions for Iraq, Afghanistan victory celebrations
The New York Times reports today that Republicans buried a provision in a recent military spending bill that devotes $20 million "to pay for a celebration in the nation’s capital 'for commemoration of success' in Iraq and Afghanistan." Appropriators had put it in the 2006 spending bill, but with no sign of a letup in the violence in Iraq they extended the provision so the president can spend the money in 2007.

See here.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:20 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Supposedly the $20 million is to pay for military bands and such like the country over. They just rolled it over to the 2007 budget - and if they don't just put it back in the treasury for "debt relief" (drop in the bucket, buy a bond or two back from China) - they'll roll it into the 2008 budget, since victory and Iraq are mutually exclusive terms.