Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:41 am
Grace, grace is sufficient for all men for all people. The way of the cross is level and straight for everyone and anyone can come to the cross. The choice is yours to accept the forgiveness and to cast your burdens down at the cross. Do you not know it is your choice to accept the cross or leave the cross behind.
People say we want proof! We want scientific proof! How do you prove an empty grave? There is no body. You can go to the body of Mohammed or many of the ancient prophets. The proof is Jesus died and rose!
Many shall say, where is this proof the source outside the Bible? You shall find these discoveries written outside the Bible. You will know, but they will say this is a forgery, this is a hoax this is not proof. Believe me, if you want proof outside the written Word, why won’t believe? You don’t understand, God’s ways or thoughts.
Just as in the days of Noah, the days are increasing in wickedness at a faster pace than Noah could even tolerate. Noah had over 100 years to wait for the people to listen to the Word of God. In these days I tell you now wickedness is accelerating so quickly the days will be shortened because of God's mercy on the elect.
In the darkness of evil the light will be more and more obvious for the believers of God and the Light shall prevail, Amen.
Kentucky is facing a time of turmoil, a time of leadership crisis. Amidst this all there will be great discoveries found in the soil of Kentucky during the time of Abraham Lincoln’s day.
Do you not know about the sword that divides a mother against her daughter, a father against his son? Israel is preparing for an all out war against her enemies. Iran will be hit on the blindside. Even though they say Benjamin Netanyahu escaped by the hair on his head, he will survive the outcome of this war.
More leaders in the Muslim communities shall find Christ. As there are more Arabs already who know and follow Christ than Jews, they will teach the Jews about Messiah Yeshua more and more in the days ahead.
Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, don't you know about the fires that shall come with the uncontrollable winds. And when the earthquake hits your state they shall be stunned by the largest earthquake that has ever hit Mississippi.
The atheists in this nation are like the brothers who believe, but in what exactly? They say, religion is to blame, but when you show them love at all costs they will begin to wonder, perhaps this is the first example of what Jesus truly wanted Christians to be.
Pensacola, Florida you must be ready for the great rains, rain, rain, and more rain, when you hear them speak of floods and storms, be prepared to do all you can to stay safe and if you must leave the area until it is safe to come back.
- Joshua
Grace, grace is sufficient for all men for all people. The way of the cross is level and straight for everyone and anyone can come to the cross. The choice is yours to accept the forgiveness and to cast your burdens down at the cross. Do you not know it is your choice to accept the cross or leave the cross behind.
People say we want proof! We want scientific proof! How do you prove an empty grave? There is no body. You can go to the body of Mohammed or many of the ancient prophets. The proof is Jesus died and rose!
Many shall say, where is this proof the source outside the Bible? You shall find these discoveries written outside the Bible. You will know, but they will say this is a forgery, this is a hoax this is not proof. Believe me, if you want proof outside the written Word, why won’t believe? You don’t understand, God’s ways or thoughts.
Just as in the days of Noah, the days are increasing in wickedness at a faster pace than Noah could even tolerate. Noah had over 100 years to wait for the people to listen to the Word of God. In these days I tell you now wickedness is accelerating so quickly the days will be shortened because of God's mercy on the elect.
In the darkness of evil the light will be more and more obvious for the believers of God and the Light shall prevail, Amen.
Kentucky is facing a time of turmoil, a time of leadership crisis. Amidst this all there will be great discoveries found in the soil of Kentucky during the time of Abraham Lincoln’s day.
Do you not know about the sword that divides a mother against her daughter, a father against his son? Israel is preparing for an all out war against her enemies. Iran will be hit on the blindside. Even though they say Benjamin Netanyahu escaped by the hair on his head, he will survive the outcome of this war.
More leaders in the Muslim communities shall find Christ. As there are more Arabs already who know and follow Christ than Jews, they will teach the Jews about Messiah Yeshua more and more in the days ahead.
Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, don't you know about the fires that shall come with the uncontrollable winds. And when the earthquake hits your state they shall be stunned by the largest earthquake that has ever hit Mississippi.
The atheists in this nation are like the brothers who believe, but in what exactly? They say, religion is to blame, but when you show them love at all costs they will begin to wonder, perhaps this is the first example of what Jesus truly wanted Christians to be.
Pensacola, Florida you must be ready for the great rains, rain, rain, and more rain, when you hear them speak of floods and storms, be prepared to do all you can to stay safe and if you must leave the area until it is safe to come back.
- Joshua