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Post by L.Wood »


Perhaps nothing is better for democratic processes than Transparency and/or Openness. To that end

a new movement is afoot by A Massachusetts gay rights group, who call themselves KNOW THY NEIGHBOR.

"Tom Lang, a gay, married man and Director of KnowThyNeighbor, based in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA, says that he uses the strategy of exposing the signers of anti-gay initiatives in order to generate the dialogue between both sides of this issue. “We believe at KnowThyNeighbor that if you truly feel that it is necessary to change laws and state constitutions to exclude gay people from the American experience then you should be proud to tell us who you are. And in like manner, if you are an LGBT person and you see someone that you know on this list, if you are related to this person or do business with this person that it is your responsibility to stand up and speak up for yourself, “ says Lang."

To see the Arkansans who signed the Family Council's petition for Arkansas Adoption and Foster Care Act which bans those living together out of wedlock from adopting children CLICK HERE.

It's a very workable database. Most of you should have no problem searching by county, zip code, name or city. Pretty simple and represents a lot of
work. When you click on a signer's name it shows the person's petition signature, DOB, address, city. This helps prevent confusing duplicitous names.

In the event you didn't know, once a signed petition is submitted to a public official the petition becomes a public record and open for public viewing.

"Blessed is the Lord for he avoids Evil just like the Godfather, he delegates."
Betty Bowers
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