February 2009 Meeting

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February 2009 Meeting

Post by Dardedar »

It's time for the February 2009 meeting of the Fayetteville Freethinkers!

Doug Krueger will give a presentation on his and Darrel's trip to the local psychic fair. Doug will have show and tell as he shows off his recent purchases of items reputed to have magical powers.

Darrel Henschell will cover the scam of the month (actually more than one, it's hard to keep up).

And then, get ready, we've put it off long enough, we are going to talk about the national debt. A short and very informative video presentation will start off this reality check, "BOOT to the head" portion of the meeting.

Also, we'll have a professional philosopher handle our perplexing "Moral Question of the Day." There may be even more than one. At the last meeting we considered whether it should be allowable for parents to name their children anything they want, without legal restriction. The audience was about 55/45 in favor of no restriction.

If you would like to add your vote to our poll on this, go here:


We will also have an update about recent efforts to have an official Thomas Paine Day here in Arkansas.

Also the latest on a revision to strike down Article 19, sec. 1 of the Ark. Constitution, which prohibits atheists from holding public office or testifying in court. This may be coming about because of the efforts of a Fayetteville Freethinker.

All this, and some funny clips if we have time. We have about four different places we usually go for dinner after the meeting, so lets just decide now so everyone can know in advance.

Let's meet for dinner at the Jose's in Fayetteville at about 5:00 pm.

Freethinker Meeting Details:

When: Saturday, February 28, 2009 (the last Saturday of the month).

Where: The Fayetteville Public Library. 401 W. Mountain
St. (two blocks west of the town square). Library phone: 571-2222.

Time: 2:00 pm

Room: The Walker Room. This is the main meeting room. Go in the front
door, through the lobby and go to your right. You can bring a snack or coffee from Arsaga's in the library lobby.

Map: http://tinyurl.com/b3sfgf

Dinner afterward at Jose's located at: http://tinyurl.com/bapbnc

PS The feel good clip we played at the last meeting can be viewed here:

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