You're not a peasant Galt, you're a "villager." I remember Galt was always one to make sure and include either or a lie or an inaccuracy in his title and/or first sentence. Someday we will get a rightwinger around here who can keep up. It's what I want for X-mas.
Anyway, what a load of ignorant noise. I couldn't make it all the way through it. Seemed his fellow news casters were embarrassed by him too. Just another example of how shallow and stupid American news reporting is.
The ass in the clip claims that even if mortgage rates were reduced to -2%, some/many people still wouldn't be able to afford these homes. Of course that's true. Two points for our little drive-by (Galt) poster:
a) Obama's mortgage assistance plan is designed to specifically weed out people who were riding the bubble and got caught on the wrong side while flipping homes. They should lose.
b) For people who really wanted their home but have gotten caught with a 20-30% depreciation in value and have a balloon due on a really bad loan, the best answer may be to renegotiated and even supplement/subsidize the mortgage. Why?
Because the bank doesn't want all of these goddamn homes back in foreclosure either. So instead of a lose/lose situation, better to work for something better.
I listen to CNBC quite a bit on my radio as I follow the market throughout the day. It's filled with dimwitted fast talking bubble heads who love to listen to themselves interrupt the next guy. Unfortunately, as this clip shows (and the fact that someone would think it was worth posting), the fake rage and bluster fools the average "peasant" (i.e. villager) into thinking they are hearing something intelligent just because the bobble head puts a lot of emotion behind it. They mistake volume for actual content. This is how O'Lielly, Kudlow and the rest stay on the screen.
Regarding the state of US news in general, my experience is similar to this fellow:
"I’ve been an ex-pat for quite some time, and about four years ago, when I went back to the States to visit my dying father, I arrived with a snootful of scorn at how ignorant and dogmatic so many Americans I had talked to as tourists in Europe seemed to be. It took flicking through his 999 channels of satellite television to make me I realise – so many Americans are ignorant and dogmatic because they have no real news. There’s nothing on American channels worthy of the label, the only real news I could find was BBC World. American news coverage four years ago was abysmal. It seems it hasn’t gotten any better in the interim. Walter Cronkite must be rolling in his… oh wait, he’s not dead. Can we bring him back, please? Can we please, please bring back news reporters and anchors with even the slightest hint of ethics and decency and any genuine love of journalism?
One of the benefits to living in New Zealand is relative insulation from bombardment by what has got to be one of the worst news media in the history of the United States, with the worst, the very worst offender being Fox Network."
Regarding the supposed "revolt against Obama" do note that his approval rating is currently in the mid-60's. And this during some very difficult, Bush induced, times.