Ah tmiller, hadn't you heard? It's opposite day. Get with the program.
Greetings Don. I am so glad you posted your thoughts. I caught most of the event and had the exact opposite experience. As freethinkers we tend to ask for evidence supporting claims, especially claims that are bizarre and make no sense. If your claim actually had any merit then you shouldn't have any trouble at all giving us an example, a direct citation, of President Obama saying something this evening that would make him an "idiot," an "ass-clown," a "total dip shit" or in someway inarticulate.
For your convenience I will provide for you
this direct link to a complete transcript of his comments this evening.
It will be interesting to see who the real dip shit is here. I genuinely look forward to you sharing with us what you find.
In case you have forgotten just how inarticulate your W. was, I will also share a few of his zingers (of the many thousand available). Note: "many thousand" is meant literally and is not an exaggeration. I have a calender that has a stupid comment from him for every day of the year. I think they published a fresh one each year.
"One of the most meaningful things that's happened to me since I've been the governor — the president — governor — president. Oops. Ex-governor. I went to Bethesda Naval Hospital to give a fellow a Purple Heart, and at the same moment I watched him—get a Purple Heart for action in Iraq — and at that same — right after I gave him the Purple Heart, he was sworn in as a citizen of the United States — a Mexican citizen, now a United States citizen." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 2004
"And if you're interested in the quality of education and you're paying attention to what you hear at Laclede, why don't you volunteer? Why don't you mentor a child how to read?" —George W. Bush, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5, 2004
"Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004
"We actually misnamed the war on terror. It ought to be the Struggle Against Ideological Extremists Who Do Not Believe in Free Societies Who Happen to Use Terror as a Weapon to Try to Shake the Conscience of the Free World." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004
"It's a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2004
"The best place for the facts to be done is by somebody who's spending time investigating it." —George W. Bush, on the probe into how CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity was leaked, Washington D.C., July 18, 2005
"It's totally wiped out. ... It's devastating, it's got to be doubly devastating on the ground." —George W. Bush, turning to his aides while surveying Hurricane Katrina flood damage from Air Force One , Aug. 31, 2005
"My thoughts are, we're going to get somebody who knows what they're talking about when it comes to rebuilding cities." —George W. Bush, on rebuilding New Orleans, Biloxi, Miss., Sept. 2, 2005
Your turn.