The Liberal Media

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The Liberal Media

Post by Dardedar »

Next time a conservative complains about the biased liberal media, direct them here:


In late January, as the House debated the economic stimulus package, ThinkProgress did an analysis that found a clear imbalance: the major cable networks invited far more Republican lawmakers to talk about the legislation than Democratic lawmakers. Indeed, TP found a 2-to-1 margin in the GOP's favor.

Now that the debate has shifted to the Senate, would the networks include more Democratic voices in the discussion? Not so much.

ThinkProgress reports today that during this week's deliberations in the Senate, "Republican lawmakers outnumbered Democratic lawmakers 75 to 41 on cable news interviews by members of Congress (from 6am on Monday 2/2 through 11pm on Thursday 2/5)." It's not quite as bad as last week, but it's close.

When Republicans were in the majority, and controlled the White House, Senate, and House, it was important to air the GOP perspective. Now that Democrats are in control, nothing has changed. Last week, Josh Marshall noted the "continuing Republican tilt of much of the capital press corps. Not in ideological terms perhaps, but in terms of whose opinions carry weight, whose matter and whose do not." That was true, at the time, as House Republicans were dominating the airwaves, and as ThinkProgress demonstrates, it's still true this week.


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Re: The Liberal Media

Post by Savonarola »

Darrel wrote:DAR
Next time a conservative complains about the biased liberal media, direct them here:
Good stuff. Republicans bash CNN for being liberal, but they're clearly not. Bill O'Really! wants MSNBC off the air for being unbalanced liberal ass-kissers, but their number are closer to 50-50 than any other network.

When numbers like these came out a few years ago, I could understand why more Republicans might be on these shows than Democrats. If more Rs are in office, a representative sample would have more Rs. If Rs are in control of the government, the Rs will be doing the moving and shaking and warrant getting some face time, while Ds won't be doing too much because any bright idea would be doomed to failure.
Now there's no excuse.
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