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Ark Bill to Allow Concealed Weapons in Church

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:24 pm
by L.Wood

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Clingin' to my guns and my religion

HB1237 has been assigned to my committee, which allows for concealed carry in churches. I'm from south Arkansas, so therefore I have guns -- a lot of 'em. Still, the thought of carrying one into the sanctuary has never crossed my mind.

I suppose it's the principle of not having control over one's own property (the most valid point), and this is obviously reactionary to the 2008 shooting at a Unitary Church in the hills of Tennessee. This'll be an interesting debate, because members on the committee know it'll be the first bill on the 2009 NRA scorecard.

Update: The first message on the bill comes from a preacher at a Fordyce Baptist Church. He's for it, he says, on the basis that each church should be able to choose for itself whether concealed carry inside the building is appropriate. Update II: My pastor is less enthusiastic and points me to the church discipline, which prohibits firarms at events associated with the church.

posted by Steve Harrelson@ 1/27/2009 05:26:00 PM


Re: Ark Bill to Allow Concealed Weapons in Church

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:28 pm
by Betsy
if it passes, it will be another reason to not go to church...

Re: Ark Bill to Allow Concealed Weapons in Church

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:02 pm
by Savonarola
Betsy wrote:if it passes, it will be another reason to not go to church...
On the other hand, does yet one more really matter?

lim(x → inf) 1/x = 0

Re: Ark Bill to Allow Concealed Weapons in Church

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:45 pm
by Doug
L.Wood wrote:Update: The first message on the bill comes from a preacher at a Fordyce Baptist Church. He's for it, he says, on the basis that each church should be able to choose for itself whether concealed carry inside the building is appropriate.
Matthew 5:39: "Do not resist an evil person."
Luke 6:27-29: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.

Arkansas Christians: "Screw Jesus! Give me my gun!"

Re: Ark Bill to Allow Concealed Weapons in Church

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:45 pm
by L.Wood

Praise the Lord and pass the ammo. "There's Power in the Blood."


Re: Ark Bill to Allow Concealed Weapons in Church

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:21 pm
by L.Wood

Ok, brace your selves, the Guns N' Jesus Bill came out of the legislative Judiciary committee with a "Do Pass" recommendation.

See it here.

Next a full Ark. House vote on the idiotic legislation.

This should go viral.

At least one preacher testified against the measure:

It's also about personal protection. Exton cites the 2007 shooting that killed one person and injured four others in a Colorado church, where a gun-carrying church security worker stopped the shooter.

(Exton) "She was able to stop them at the door, while 7,000 congregants were seated in the pews and the Colorado Springs police said she probably saved a couple hundred lives."


Little Rock pastor John Phillips, now at Central Church of Christ, has first-hand experience with guns in the sanctuary. In 1986, while working at a different church, across town, he was gunned down in the pulpit.

(John Phillips, Little Rock Pastor) "A gentleman came into the church. He was mentally deranged, and at the end of the sermon, pulled out a gun and shouted something about baptism and proceeded to shoot me in the back a couple of times. I still carry one of the bullets embedded in my spine."

Phillips says philosophically, a sanctuary is a place of peace and should be gun free. As for protection, despite what he's been through, he says he feels safer in a church with no guns.

(Phillips) "We really believe God provides and protects his own and that it wouldn't be in the best interest of what the church stands for to have people armed and packing on Sunday morning.".