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Ray Comfort quotes me.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:05 pm
by RobertMadewell
Ray Comfort quotes me then builds a strawman to tear apart.
Just because a few atheists believe that everything came from nothing doesn't mean that all atheists believe that." Robert Madewell

It’s not a matter of not believing it. It’s a matter of definition. If you say of your Ford Expedition that you have no belief that there was a maker, then you think that nothing made it. It just happened. You have defined yourself as having that mentality.

So if you call yourself an atheist, you are saying that you have no belief in a God--a Creator. Creation just happened. Everything you see--all the different breeds of dog (both male and female), all the different breeds of cat (both male and female), all the different fish in the ocean (both male and female), giraffes, elephants, cattle, sheep, horses, birds, flowers, trees, the sun, the moon, the stars, the four seasons, night and day, the marvels of the human body--the eye with its 137,000,000 light sensitive cells (we have been made well Robert) . . . all these marvels of creation were made by nothing. They all just happened. That’s atheism at its core. What an intellectual embarrassment.

Then the professing atheist has the unbelievable gall to consider himself intelligent, and he thinks that science backs up his delusion. Think of the ludicrous language an atheist is forced to use. He can’t say that creation was "created" and he has to avoid saying that everything has been "made." He will even say that he has no beliefs . . . that he is "without belief." His problem is that he hasn’t thought his beliefs through. If he has any intellectual self-respect he will move from the "nothing created everything" belief, to the "something did it but I just don’t know what it was." And is doing so he distances himself from the embarrassing label of "atheist."
He is responding to this comment by me.
Ok, Christians are people who believe that you should never shave your beard off and they observe saturday as the sabbath.

Is that a fair statement? Wha? No you say? Well, I can get statements from christians who do believe these things. So that means that all christians believe that way. Right?

Of course not, Ray. Just because a few atheists believe that everything came from nothing doesn't mean that all atheist believe that.

Of course, you're not going to change that statement. You're making money off of it.

Re: Ray Comfort quotes me.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:49 pm
by Dardedar
RobertMadewell wrote:Ray Comfort quotes me then builds a strawman to tear apart.
I was going to advise you to not have exchanges with fundies who have forums where you are censored or they have control over the content. They can't compete on a level playing field so they usually lie and cheat. So I was pleasantly surprised to find that Comfort's latest distortions are posted on a blog where comments are allowed. Excellent. This is exactly as it should be. I read all of the 26 comments in the thread and was very pleased to see Comfort, and a few others, have their asses kicked so thoroughly. Truly a beautiful thing to behold.

Don't worry too much about Comfort's completely dishonest distortion of your comment. Almost everyone can see through it and those who can't are just fundies who will say and believe anything for "the faith." Comfort's blog is seriously backfiring on him. But he probably doesn't care. He's in it for the attention.

So glad you posted this.


Re: Ray Comfort quotes me.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:10 am
by RobertMadewell
Thanks Darrel.

I don't know why I go to Ray's blog. He just repeats the same ol' stuff over and over. He will delete posts that fail to capitalize God or Jesus. So, I capitalize God everytime. Even when it shouldn't be capitalized.

Re: Ray Comfort quotes me.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:34 pm
by Doug
RobertMadewell wrote:I don't know why I go to Ray's blog. He just repeats the same ol' stuff over and over.
As we've mentioned, Darrel, I, and some people from the Errancy listserve shut down Comfort's blog a few years ago. It was frozen for a year or more.

Ask Comfort if he's finally got the courage to look at some examples of Bible contradictions. The last time I sent him some he said he didn't need to read them, so he didn't. Tell him Doug Krueger wants to know if his testicles have finally descended.

Re: Ray Comfort quotes me.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:06 pm
by Dardedar
Ray is trying to fight back against Darwin day and the FFRF billboards. See here.


Re: Ray Comfort quotes me.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:40 pm
by Doug
Darrel wrote:Ray is trying to fight back against Darwin day and the FFRF billboards.
Good! Let him waste his money. It's better than having him spend his $$$ and energy on something that might succeed.