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Schadenfreude for Dobson's Focus on Family

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:00 am
by L.Wood

Perhaps this belongs under religion or Mormoms+Catholics=Prop 8 . If so, just move it.

Christian Group Lays Off Hundreds After Spending All Money On Prop 8 Passage

Here’s a delicious chunk of schadenfreude for all of our uniformed men and women in the Gay Militia fighting the fundies out West: “[Colorado Springs-based ministry] Focus on the Family announced this afternoon that 202 jobs will be cut companywide, bringing the total number of employees to around 950. …The cutbacks come just weeks after the group pumped more than half a million dollars into the successful effort to pass a gay-marriage ban in California.” To the suddenly unemployed Culture Warriors in Colorado: don’t be upset! And please don’t complain? No complaining!! If you complain, Jesus will kill you.

Sure, you have no income now because James Dobson burnt all of your company’s money on a state ballot proposition. But imagine the alternative! Would you want to be employed knowing that several hundred miles away, in another state, pairs of consenting adults that already have been living together, people whom you’ve never met and will never meet, were applying for state licenses (pieces of paper, really) that offered them some new tax and medical options??

Wonkette has the story


Re: Schadenfreude for Dobson's Focus on Family

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:01 am
by L.Wood
thought this a good follow-up

