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Restore Fairness to OUR Judiciary One Chance

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:14 am
by L.Wood

No need to post the entire story here. Just enough to give you a suggestion of what it's about and how important the issue.

Restore fairness to the judiciary
By Michael S. Greco and Patricia M. Wald
October 30, 2008

The Bush administration has appointed too many judges with partisan political loyalties who have failed to adequately protect citizens' freedoms. The Supreme Court now has four unabashed conservative justices and a fifth who frequently creates a rightist majority. The next president is likely to appoint three new justices. These appointments will either cement a far-right majority for decades to come or return the Supreme Court to the balanced and independent composition intended by the Constitution.

Equally important, the next president will appoint hundreds of life-tenured judges to the lower federal courts. More than 99.9 percent of the 360,000 federal cases decided each year are resolved in these appellate and trial courts, never reaching the Supreme Court. More than 58 percent of current federal judges were appointed by Republican presidents, over one-third by Bush alone. Ten of the 13 federal appellate courts now have wide majorities of conservative Republican appointees. Balance on the federal courts no longer exists. .....
