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The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:03 am
by Betsy
The Convention this week is providing a lot of entertainment, along with important and sometimes poignant moments. Highlights so far for me have been the tribute to Teddy Kennedy, along with his speech. Michelle Obama did an excellent job of introducing herself and family, and proving that she will make a very intelligent and poised first lady.
I thought Sen. Casey's speech was particularly significant, as his father was not allowed to speak at a prior convention because of his pro-life position. I also liked the keynote speaker, Warner. I loved his comment about how the thing he likes least about GWB is that the current president has never tapped into America's greatest resource: the will and determination of the American people. He used the example of how Americans were ready, able and willing to do whatever they could to help after 9/11, and the president just squandered it. I've thought that same thing for years, so I was very glad he put it in the forefront for everyone to consider.
And, of course, HIllary's speech was perfect. She came out and started strong - POW! I'm a proud supporter of Barack Obama! BAM! No way, no how, no McCain! And I especially thought the line about "Were you just in it for me? Or (for all these policy reasons)." I thought that was very important considering how the McCain campaign is using HIllary's previous statements to promote him as her preferred candidate.
I thought it was strange that all the pundits and reporters were saying that the Convention lacks a message. James Carville was quoted as saying the first night was a waste of time because the Democrats are keeping their message well hidden. But I think the message so far is extremely clear: McCain = four more years of Bush; Obama = a bright new future. The past versus the future. Pretty simple, repeated numerous times and very clear. Carville, ABC news and MSNBC were talking on and on about how there was no message. What is their problem?
Any comments on the Convention as it goes through this week?
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:27 am
by Dardedar
Betsy wrote:
James Carville was quoted as saying the first night was a waste of time because the Democrats are keeping their message well hidden.
Carville has been getting dumber and dumber for some reason. Could he be catching something from his right-wing loon wife?
I caught Michelle Obama's speech and Kennedy's and Hillary's and Warner's I thought they were all very good. Right on the dot.
I thought Sen. Casey's speech was particularly significant, as his father was not allowed to speak at a prior convention because of his pro-life position.
Betsy, that's a right-wing myth that has been repeated over and over by the media.
It's not true. Consider the following (emphasis mine):
Maybe now we can retire the Casey myth
By: Steve Benen
I’m relatively indifferent to Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) speaking at the Democratic National Convention, but given the historical parallels, I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot of stories like this one.
ABC News’ Teddy Davis and Arnab Datta report: Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., an abortion rights opponent who endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. over Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY prior to the Pennsylvania primary, will address the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, Aug. 26.
Casey’s father, the late Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey D-Pa., was denied a prime speaking spot at the 1992 convention because of his opposition to abortion rights.
The 1992 snub has become a symbol over the years of the Democratic Party making support for abortion rights a litmus test. In 2004, Republicans contrasted the Casey snub with California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, R-NY., two Republicans who support abortion rights, speaking to their convention.
The decision to give Sen. Casey a featured speaking spot is part of a broader effort on the part of the Democrats to broaden the party’s appeal on abortion.
First, maybe Casey is getting a featured speaking spot at the convention to broaden Dems’ appeal on abortion, and maybe he’s getting a featured spot because he’s a young senator from a key battleground state who endorsed the party’s presidential nominee early on. ABC assumes it’s the prior, but it’s just as easy to believe the latter.
Second, Casey’s father was not “denied a prime speaking spot at the 1992 convention because of his opposition to abortion rights,” was not “snubbed,” and there’s been no “litmus test.”
This is a myth, that’s been repeated ad nauseum, but is nevertheless false and has been debunked many times.
The truth is, Casey Sr. was denied a speaking spot because he refused to endorse the party’s nominee (Bill Clinton). At the same ‘92 convention, five governors, two senators, and a mayor — all of whom are pro-life — did get speaking spots, disproving the notion that there was a “litmus test.” (What’s more, pro-life speakers have been featured at every Democratic convention since.)
Nevertheless, if inviting Casey (Jr.) to speak this year helps bury the nonsense that reporters keep repeating, I’ll be thrilled.
Crooks and liars
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:35 pm
by Betsy
Gosh. The news guys were talking about it just before or after the guy spoke. ABC news. Interesting.
** correction, must have been CNN. I was flipping back and forth.
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:41 pm
by Dardedar
It's everywhere. This is why republicans know it is important to get a meme* like this out there regardless of whether they have any merit (Obama is a Muslim etc.). Media Matters has been debunking this one for years. They have more on this latest out break here:
NPR, CNN repeat falsehood that Casey was denied speaking role at '92 Dem convention "because of his opposition to abortion rights"
It's a really disgusting one because it plays into this notion that Demo's would be so bigoted against pro-lifers that they wouldn't even let them speak at a convention. It sounds really bad and it's not true. These news organizations should issue corrections.
* meme: "a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes."
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:42 pm
by Betsy
Here's a significant historical reference that will stand up to scrutiny: Today, Barack Obama is giving the acceptance speech for the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States on the 45th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
When you take a moment to stop and think about how just a few decades ago, just a scant few generations ago, Black people in America were treated so horribly it's almost beyond imagination, this is really quite moving. Even just in our parent's generation, when there were businesses that were "White Only" and schools were segregated, and Blacks couldn't get the same jobs (much less the same pay), or educations, it's astounding and heartening to realize how far we've come. Not that the racial divide is a thing of the past, but Americans have certainly made incredible strides in modern history. And now we have a man of mixed race, considered African American, who will very likely be our next president.
I believe that Obama is the best man to be president regardless of race. But it is also certainly nice to have something to be truly proud of in these very difficult times.
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:21 pm
by L.Wood
In Denver
COPS GONE WILD is playing heavy over at ABC.
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors
Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention
Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:31 pm
by L.Wood
Here's a
link to
Dennis Kucinich's short speech, one that
ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and FAUX NEWS never want you to see .............
Re: The Democratic National Convention
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:02 am
by Betsy
I thought when they started introducing the "regular people" to speak on why they're voting for Obama, it would get kind of lame and boring. BUT, the woman from South Carolina who has voted Republican all her life until now was great, followed by Barney Smith, also a reformed-republican who almost stole the whole show.
The Convention was fantastic, so of course this morning all the republicans and such are criticizing how great it was. Ugh.