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Intelligent Response to Anti-Obama Smear Book

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:02 pm
by Dardedar
I heard Limbaugh recommend this book the other day. He said it was interesting, definitely worth reading and "had a lot of end notes." Then he went on to bashing media matters for attacking the credibility of the author. He repeatedly called them and anyone who attacked him "driveby." I looked this up and found the fifth definition probably applies:


5 casual; superficial; offhand: a drive-by news analysis.

Is there anything Limbaugh does that IS NOT drive-by news analysis? Good grief.

Now, from The Next Right. Conservatives with some decency.

Jerome Corsi

The French Revolution produced the saying "no enemies to the Left" - a mindset that has poisoned both the Left and the Right in American politics. As a result, some figures who should be repudiated have, instead, become prominent representatives. On the Right, in particular, the "go along to get along" approach has created a Movement where the bad guys are protected, and the people who get promoted are those who make friends, not waves.

It's wrong, and it needs to stop. So, with that said...

The continued tolerance and prominence of Jerome Corsi - his books, columns and appearances - is just embarrassing. It is embarrassing for the Right, embarrassing for Republicans, embarrassing for conservatives and libertarians, embarrassing for all of us.

It's not just that he's frequently, remarkably wrong- something pretty well documented and acknowledged by both the Left and (while less enthusiastically) the Right. (and the Obama campaign (PDF), of course) Both the Obama campaign and Hugh Hewitt acknowledge that Jerome Corsi is "fringe".

Bad as his gross errors are, though, it's not just that. It's also about who Jerome Corsi is.

* Jerome Corsi is a smear artist (e.g., he has claimed that "Hillary Rodham Clinton is a lesbian and Muslims worship Satan").
* Jerome Corsi has advocated the hysterical, deceptive North American Union conspiracy theory.
* Jerome Corsi associates with white supremacists.
* Jerome Corsi is guilty of plagiarism.
* Jerome Corsi is a 9/11 Truther.

I mean, c'mon. Have some standards. This guy does not deserve the platform, he does not deserve the publicity, and he does not deserve to be treated as member-in-good-standing on the Right.

The Right seems to engage today in social promotion of hatchet men, bullies and political hit men. Those people poison the Right, and - whatever their temporary electoral effects - they serve to discredit us all.


More links at the site backing up the claims. Comments are interesting too.

Here is a picture of the guy:


Re: Intelligent Response to Anti-Obama Smear Book

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:08 pm
by Dardedar
As someone pointed out:
and yet, someone setup bulk purchases to put him at 1 on the ny times bestseller list

and yet, he has been interviewed on every fox show, every rightwing radio show and on larry king

it doesnt matter if he is lying, just that his message is getting out

doesnt matter that the obama is a secret muslim email campaign was a lie…it got out and there are a significant number of people who still believe that he is a muslim

doesnt matter that sadaam had no connection to 9/11 or al quaida….there are still a significant number of people who believe he did

doesnt matter that sadaam had no wmds

nothing matters, cuz a large chunk of our populace is just retarded