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Local Obama Fundraiser

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:05 am
by Dardedar
A note from Donna & Kelly:

If you are into supporting Obama in the next
election here is a HEADS UP about a FUNRAISER for the
Obama campaign that we are helping with. It is called OBAMARAMA "A
Change will do U.S. good!" The event which will have LIVE music
(us..Still on the Hill and a Jazz band) Great speakers (maybe even
Obama himself...who knows) and an AMAZING silent auction of services
and TREASURES. This is where YOU come in....if you have been thinking
about how you can get involved with this much needed is
your chance.

We need really COOL silent auction items. SO if you have a
beautiful...exquisite handmade raku vessel that you keep worrying that
the cat will knock over and break....DONATE it to the cause....or what
if you have a business or KNOW someone with a business....massage,
restaurant, etc....or you have a great piece of art hanging on your wall
that no longer matches your new couch and you could part with
it....bring it on! See how it works?

We are looking for QUALITY items only! We have limited space so Please,
no left over garage sale items!

If you have something to donate, contact Moshe or Hamsa at
479-530-7486 Tell 'em Kelly and Donna sent ya!

The DATE is Aug. 31st Sunday from 3-6 pm. Nature's water is at 275 E.
Huntsville Road in Fayetteville. There will be a $10 suggested donation
and checks are the preferred form of payment.

We will also be needing some volunteers that day to help set up and tear
down. Also a revolving crew of folks to pour beer from the Keg...and
drinks.(outside under a tent).

Come be part of the CHANGE!
Donna and Kelly
