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RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:43 pm
by L.Wood
A search of accused Tenn church shooter, Jim Adkisson, who is accused of shooting and killing two people and wounding others during a Unitarian Church's children's play,
home revealed he had a collection of "right wing political books."

Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shell boxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a man who said he attacked a church in order to kill liberals "who are ruining the country," court records show.

Knoxville Police Department Officer Steve Still requested the search warrant after interviewing Adkisson. who was subdued by several church members after firing three rounds from a 12-gauge shotgun into the congregation.
Adkisson targeted the church, Still wrote in the document obtained by WBIR-TV, Channel 10, "because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of media outlets."

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.
The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of "the liberal movement," and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.


"It appears that church had received some publicity regarding its liberal stance," the chief said. The church has a "gays welcome" sign and regularly runs announcements in the News Sentinel about meetings of the Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays meetings at the church.

Owen said Adkisson's stated hatred of the liberal movement was not necessarily connected to any hostility toward Christianity or religion per say, but rather the political advocacy of the church.


Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:35 pm
by Dardedar
"Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity on accused shooter's reading list"

The irony. A ditto-heads doesn't get his welfare check so he goes and shoots the type of people who fight the hardest to keep the social benefits he did get. He can't get a job. Shoot some liberals!

"He said the state recently sent a letter to Adkisson telling him food stamps he had been receiving would be reduced or eliminated." Link

"The church's Web site states that it has worked for "desegregation, racial harmony, fair wages, women's rights and gay rights" since the 1950s. Current ministries involve emergency aid for the needy, school tutoring and support for the homeless, as well as a cafe that provides a gathering place for gay and lesbian high-schoolers." --ibid

Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:56 pm
by L.Wood
I suppose the shooter seems to be a departure. Up till Sunday the Rwingers were content with political graft and child molestation.


Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:15 am
by Doug
L.Wood wrote:I suppose the shooter seems to be a departure. Up till Sunday the Rwingers were content with political graft and child molestation.
The conservative brand is in the toilet. The fundamentalists are losing the culture wars. They know they're going to get creamed in this coming election, in the White House, the Senate, and the House.

They are going to get more desperate. This shooter is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:03 am
by JamesH

I posted an early article about this under religion and as I said over there and as Darrel said this guy is going after the very people that would be willing to help him. I just don't get it!

This situation seems so mess up on so many levels. I did not know about the man's food stamps, ie welfare program, was being reduced and this contributed to triggerring a shooting spree! He should have been glad because a true conservative idea is that no one should receive help from the government-----well, except for me.

What about this idea of personal responsibility? The older I get it seems that conservitives preach personal responsibility but they do not practice it but on the other hand liberals preach taking care of others but practice personal responsibility which mean you don't have to spend so much time taking care of each other! Take a look at our shooter in this case. He was upset because he was out of work. He could not find another job. And his well fare benefits where being reduced.

Did he loose his job because it was shipped over seas? Is it because the economy is tanking? Can he not find a new job because he never bothered to get a real education? Has he got anger issues that won't allow him to make it through a job interview? In my other post I pointed to Wal-Mart as one of the largest companies that has cause so many jobs to be shipped off shore but would you call this company conservative or liberal? Liberal are not the ones making the decisions to ship jobs over seas! Liberals are not the ones that has allowed this country to be held hostage by middle east oil! Liberals are not the ones deciding to cut funding to education! Liberals are not the ones blocking public health care! I may be wrong but the shooter in this case may have benifited from some free mental health care and in turn the two dead people and the 5 others that where injured would have as well.

I will stop now because I could go on and on and on.................................

Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:01 pm
by JamesH

In my last post I had made a statement about whether Wal-Mart was a liberal or conservative company. Well I believe this link might give a little weight to my argument: ... t_politics

The CEO can say what ever he wants to about not trying to influence employees and how they vote but when the rubber meets the road the bias of whom ever is standing up front talking is going to be made know.

Recently I was told by one of my co-workers who's wife attends mega-church James River Assembly that they "encouraged" there members to vote for Bush. I would love to see how they are doing this and maintaining their tax free status! It might envolve a lot of going to church which I don't think I could handle.

Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:59 pm
by Doug
JamesH wrote:All,

In my last post I had made a statement about whether Wal-Mart was a liberal or conservative company. Well I believe this link might give a little weight to my argument: ... t_politics
Yes, they are playing a rather transparent game. They don't specifically tell the employees who to vote for, but they give a shrill diatribe against unions, and then state that a vote for Obama is a vote that would make it more likely that Wal-mart would unionize.

Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:50 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
It's much more likely that the TN killer was already a nutcase who believed the RW line and the books were there to "prove his point" - people tend to buy things that confirm their opinions rather than research and then derive an opinion based on the research. As to Wal-Mart - well they have some really outstanding historical examples of what they are trying to do. The same folks (including Henry Ford in 1932) that got us into the Great Depression (or is that going to be Depression I like the Great War became WWI).

Re: RWing Books Made the Tenn Killer?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:59 pm
by Doug
Doug wrote:The conservative brand is in the toilet. The fundamentalists are losing the culture wars. They know they're going to get creamed in this coming election, in the White House, the Senate, and the House.

They are going to get more desperate. This shooter is probably just the tip of the iceberg.
The guy who shot the Democratic Party leader may have been another instance of this.

As I said, they are getting more desperate.

A man barged into the Arkansas Democratic headquarters and opened fire Wednesday, fatally shooting the state party chairman before speeding off in his pickup. Police later shot and killed the suspect after a 30-mile chase.

Police said they don't know the motive for the 51-year-old suspect, whose name has not been released.

They said Chairman Bill Gwatney, 49, died four hours later at University Hospital in Little Rock after the midday shooting near the state Capitol.

Witnesses said the gunman entered the party offices shortly before noon and said he wanted to see Gwatney about volunteering. Party officials said the man forced his way into Gwatney's office and fired three shots, then fled in a blue truck.

"He said he was interested in volunteering, but that was obviously a lie," said 17-year-old party volunteer Sam Higginbotham. He said the man then pushed past employees to reach the chairman's office, where he fired three times.

Gwatney, a former state senator and a Hillary Rodham Clinton superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention this month in Denver, had served 10 years as a state senator.

Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, issued a statement calling the 49-year-old Gwatney "not only a strong chairman of Arkansas' Democratic Party, but he is also a cherished friend and confidante."

After the midday shooting, the suspect was chased into Grant County, south of the capital, and apprehended after being shot. Police fired at the man but it wasn't known whether he also suffered self-inflicted injuries.

Moments before the Democratic headquarters shooting, a man with a gun threatened the building manager of the Arkansas State Baptist Convention headquarters seven blocks east. It wasn't known if the incidents were related.

Dan Jordan, the denomination's business manager, said the building manager asked the man what was wrong and that he said "I lost my job."

See here.