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Neocons Progress in Attempts to Dumb Down Public

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:30 am
by Savonarola
As if the Rethuglicans hadn't already caused enough trouble, they're succeeding in removing science from the science classroom and inserting religion in its place.

It's all part of the scheme to make the American people too dumb to vote for competent candidates.

Threads now in the Science forum:
Oklahoma's Anti-Science Legislators Make Progress
Yet More Anti-Science (S. Carolina)

Dumbing down

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:00 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Unfortunately many Americans are already too dumb to vote for competent candidates & too dumb to realize when their elections have been stolen. Afterall, 80% of them trust the BIG 4 networks for all their news - and that takes the IQ of a pet rock.

Futurists are already placing bets on who the next "Top Country" is going to be (China or India) and they are betting the changeover will take place by mid 21st century. (My bet is India - China still holds Mao's views about scientists.) Of course, that presupposes we haven't toasted the planet with the real WWIII - nuclear war - but we have enough comic-book thinkers and video-game planners in high places to make that an unfortunately viable possibility, too.