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More Black Collar Crimes

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:42 pm
by JamesH
I just found this on Yahoo. It seems a minister at a mega church in Dallas has a thing for 13 year old girls. This is why you should always be careful in answering personal adds on line. People just have a bad habit of leaving out little details. In this case the girl was not 13 but an officer of the law! Oops!

Re: More Black Collar Crimes

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:37 pm
by Doug
JamesH wrote:I just found this on Yahoo. It seems a minister at a mega church in Dallas has a thing for 13 year old girls.
If he were Catholic, it would be boys.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:42 pm
by RobertMadewell
As much of a sleaze this pastor is, I don't like what they have charged him with. There needs to be a better name for the charge. He's being charged with "Online Soliciting a minor" but the actual person he solicited was an undercover police officer. So, technically he didn't solicit a minor, whether he thought the officer was a 13 y.o girl or not. It's kinda like the movie "Minority Report". He's being arrested for a crime he might have commited. I know he intended to meet with a 13 y.o. girl, but he didn't actually do it. Not that I don't think he deserves to be arrested. He does. We just need a different charge. One that would stick and make sense. Even a lesser charge would be something. He would think before trying to meet up with a minor again, after being fined a buttload of cash, losing his job, and having a record.

It just doesn't make sense to me for him to be charged with soliciting a minor who didn't actually exist.

BTW, I can't stand megachurches! I'd rather self-extract a tooth before going to one.

PS: Going to meet up with a girl who told you online that she was 13, is incredibly stupid! Just for the crime of stupidity this minister should be slapped with a glove full of gravel. It boggles my mind how stupid some minsters are. I've met very few ministers who I can talk at my level with.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:23 pm
by Dardedar
Two points I have learned from watching "To Catch a Predator" a couple times (it was a marathon).

Child predators aren't too bright. Being a minister does not improve that situation.

These guys usually get very light charges. Some jail time if they are repeat offenders, therapy, probation, often help with drug problems. I think this is appropriate. Human sexuality is complex. Not to relieve them of personal responsibility for their actions but I do feel a little sorry for the poor bastards who have drawn the straw which has given them an attraction to something profoundly, and quite correctly, illegal to them.

Imagine if it was illegal to chase women!


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:56 pm
by JamesH
Darrell said:

"Imagine if it was illegal to chase women!"

I know there is a joke in there some where but since I value my life I will leave it alone!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:17 pm
by Doug
JamesH wrote:I know there is a joke in there some where but since I value my life I will leave it alone!
DOUG writes:

Let Henny Youngman do one:


"My doctor said I'd be dead in a week if I kept chasing women.
His wife was one of those I was chasing!"

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:58 pm
by Dardedar
Good job.

Re: More Black Collar Crimes

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:12 pm
by JamesH
Well I know this is going to be hard to believe but another one of gods little helpers has been caught with his pants down. We are up in Michigan for a few days and I ran across this on the local news. ... ex-charges

Re: More Black Collar Crimes

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:26 pm
by Betsy
his ministry was called "seeds of grace." ewww.