Gibson Slurs Rachel Maddow on the Radio
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:27 pm
...on the April 30 edition of his nationally syndicated Fox News radio show, host John Gibson aired an audio clip of MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow in which she asked, "What else has to happen in the news to push Jeremiah Wright out of the headlines?" Following her comments, Gibson aired an unidentified audio clip of a man saying, " Ooh, lesbians. Yummy." Later in the segment, Gibson's producer, known on-air as "Angry Rich" said, "That Maddow's become bathtub boy's pit bull, hasn't she?" -- an apparent reference to MSNBC's Countdown host, Keith Olbermann. Gibson replied, "Ooohhh. ... Well, I don't know, you know? She may have one of those -- I shouldn't say anything more, should I?" "Angry Rich" said, "No," and Gibson said, apparently referring to his associate producer, "Christine's shaking her head back and forth," and went on to air an audio clip in which an unidentified woman said, "I would like to thank my wife." Gibson later said, "Did I tell you about the people ... on the island of Lesbos?"
See here.
See here.