This is about your recent decision to drop me as a columnist for the blog. This is an open letter; I invite you to publish it on the blog.
I find this hard to believe. While the proximate excuse was my expression of hope that a serial kidnapper immune to legal prosecution get his just deserts, the real reason is that some participants can't handle my opinions about the Iraq occupation, drug prohibition, and electoral politics, and don't like my brutally honest terminology (USEmpire, milfare recipients, flaghumpers, warmongers, etc.)Wes wrote:I am not happy to do this, but we are going to cut your privileges to post. This has nothing to do with your politics...
Somehow I don't think you'd ban someone for expressing hope that, e.g. the US shoot (more) rockets into neighborhoods in Fallujah, or that Anwar Jaber be executed. At most, they'd get a mild warning.
Of course, you can do whatever you want with your blog - that is your right. But I suggest that you are being unduly influenced by certain partisan warmongers who want me to shut up, and who can't handle open rough-and-tumble political debate. And if you "really do want to get a range of opinion up there," you will rethink this. After all, who else would put up a column quoting Bush reneging on his WMD claim? Who else has challenged the "war" on drug users? Who else has pointed out that neoconservatism is not traditional conservatism? Who else pointed out that the Hiroshima bomb was unnecessary? Who else has made the case against the brutal occupation of Iraq?
NWAPolitics showed promise as a political forum, but your decision would seem to revert it back to a partisan right-wing warmonger site, with "conservative" yes-men slapping each other on the back. I don't think this is what you have in mind.
Carpe Libertatem,
Hogeye Bill