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Warming: Iowa experiences coldest Spring

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:03 pm
by Uncle Galt
Iowa experiences coldest Spring in decades!

WOW- real people (who have actual experiences in the real world- unlike our three musketeers) say Global warming is a total crock- the best part of the article is the people that post their comments at the bottom...

MAYBE ALGORE is wrong- I'm mean he's lived in an anti-green mansion for so long- maybe the carbon has addled him...

MARION – All of this cold weather is freezing the start of the gardening season. Now, outdoor fans are eager for a warm-up.

"I'm 71-years-old and I've never seen spring come this late," Robert Ciesleck said.

Ciesleck and his family look forward to gardening together every spring. This year, they're not sure when they're going to be able to get their hands dirty.

"When it starts getting into mid-March and April, then things should change fast, but not this year," he said.

On a typical Sunday afternoon, the Culver’s greenhouse would be packed with people, but the recent cold temperatures scared away a lot of customers.

"All the plants are right here. All you can do is come and look for now. I'd hate to take any home quite yet, but it's getting really tempting,” customer Rhonda Kaczinski said.

Cold temperatures aren't the only problem. This winter's snow and ice storms drenched the soil and left it soggy.

"If you can pick up a handful of soil and still wring moisture out of it, it's too wet to plant," Culver’s employee Sherri Baldonado said.

Even though it might be too cold for flowers to take root, Culver's employees recommend buying plants now and storing them in a warm place like a garage.

"I have a saying for people -- If you see it and you like it, take it now, because it may be gone the next time you come back," Baldonado said.

Ciesleck and his family eventually found a few plants they like, and they plan to visit the greenhouse again soon.

Even if we do get some warmer weather, a spring frost is still possible all the way until mid-May. Culver's employees try to warn all of their customers about that possibility.

View Oldest Comments First
7:47 PM sourdoe wrote ...
Oh, where are all those hydrocarbons when we need them?
7:36 PM neil from mississippi wrote ...
since global cooling was bad in the 70's and now global warming is bad the loonies who believe this stuff and promulgate it to the public must therefore know the perfect temperature for the planet. There brilliance amazes me but they have never said what that perfect temperature is. I guess they also would have been upset if they were around when the ice age ended, funny thing is they can't blame us for causing that with our cars.
7:26 PM Ted Roth wrote ...
STOP CONTINENTAL DRIFT!!! (after we stop global warming)
7:20 PM Jericho wrote ...
Its not about Global Warming its about Global Control. Its not about Climate Change its Changing the Climate of the Middle Class. The Middle Class has way to much time on its hands allowing for way too much political activity. Less middle class folks will make things easier on the Al Gores of the world.
6:54 PM A Skeptic wrote ...
I think Al Gore just 'invented' something else - a global warming scam to insulate his pockets with enough money to keep him warm during the global cooling period we are now entering.
6:44 PM Skeptic wrote ...
Thunder in February, Frost in April! that is a saying that has been around the south for over 70 years. Seems to hold true this year. Additionally, we don't ever plant our gardens till the pecan trees bud out. For some reason(possibly their deep roots) they are always the last trees to bud out. It's amazing how with all of the idiots promoting global climate change since 1998 and the increadible increase in CO2 documented since then, that 70 years old wives tales still hold true!
6:35 PM Harry Ballsac wrote ...
SO much for global warming. the planet, as it turns out, has been COOLING for 10 years now. What will Al Gore have to do now. Oh I get it, WE MUST STOP GLOBAL COOLING Lol
6:15 PM joseph william beverly wrote ...
democrats need fictitious causes like global warming and global freezing or no one would be foolish enough to vote for them
5:57 PM Hitlery Clintler wrote ...
Remember that neolithic silver mine recently found under a retreating glacier in the Alps? They went home one day late fall to their winter retreat planning to come back next spring to begin mining again, but spring never came. What came was the little ice age. Look at the geologic record, we are over due for the next ice age. It can start in one year as those poor ancient miners discovered. Anthropogenic global warming is a myth, just like "peak oil". Follow the money find the mythologists.
5:39 PM Carl wrote ...
They're not using the term "global warming" so much anymore. They're using the term "climate change"! This way, no matter what the outcome is, they can still blame it on us humans.
5:37 PM Mary Dupre wrote ...
Gore saw an opening to make so money but you don't tell Mother Nature what to do only the Sun can do that. Good grief, we could have had him for President. That was close!
5:33 PM Andy wrote ...
Looks like the people who comment here have not exactly bought into the global warming scare by a 10:1 ratio. Are you going to believe the liberals or your lying eyes?
5:25 PM Matthew wrote ...
.03% of the atmosphere cannot cause global warming. C02 is not a gas that can increase temperatures at ground level - C02 cannot insulate or reflect at that percentage, especially as it is dispersed throughout the atmosphere. It does not "layer" as ozone does. GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX.
5:11 PM Concerned citizen wrote ...
Save the planet...End Global Weather!!
5:04 PM Karen wrote ...
Record cold expected in southern Florida tomorrow. Low of 42. High of 72.
5:04 PM a meteorologist wrote ...
what the average casual GW commentator does not realize is that the warming of the atmosphere does not ONLY warm the temperatures in your front yard, but it POLARIZES temperature swings greatly. this is a GLOBAL trend - look at the extreme snow in china, record heat in europe, extreme floods AND droughts on our own states - remember - the FROST on your lawn could be a function of the LARGER PATTERN - think globally!
5:03 PM Roger wrote ...
I remember waterskiing on the Coralville Reservoir in April back in the 60's while attending the U of I. Must have been the global warming before the ice age of the 70's.
4:57 PM CA gardener wrote ...
Here in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada (central California), we don't plant our gardens until after Mother's Day. I used to live in Iowa, and I remember getting 10 inches of snow mid-April. We took pictures and still have them. Chill!
4:52 PM Steve, Phoenix wrote ...
Just call Al Gore he is incharge of the earth's weather.
4:38 PM ken1716 wrote ...
You all miss the point. Before every ice age period, the Co2 level rises. this is everytime. The cooling id indeed due to climate change and the rise in temperature world wide and suprisingly, in local areas like antartica. With the rise in temps and the increase in fresh cold water flowing into the North Atlatnic, the Gulf stream is flowing at half speed now after stopping briefly in 2003. go ahead and scoff, but the evidence for a change in climate is clear. And the change cooling us.
4:34 PM Bud Vogt wrote ...
Got in trouble with my wife for leaving the Xmas lights up. Last week wife came home driving in 3 inches of fresh snow, guess what greeted her? Yep! Her house lit up in the true Christmas spirit, she even had the tree back up lit and blinking. Wish ole Al Gore could have stopped by and shoveled my side walk. Yeah, yeah global warming will bring on the new ice age and the end of us woolley mammoths. Stay warm my Father's home state.
4:25 PM Sandy Yago wrote ...
A big hearty hello from sunny San Diego! We also had a cold winter here, we had days when the temp barely made into to 65! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
4:14 PM Dayahka wrote ...
We need to call in that great climate scientist and global warming evangelist, Al Gore, to explain this strange situation for us. Maybe he can blow some hot air and warm up the earth.
4:07 PM wrote ...
Al Gore says that you can't trust the media; it's really warm in Iowa.
4:01 PM Eric wrote ...
It's in the 40's today here in Alabama. We're getting a cold rain (with a little sleet in the forecast for good measure) and they're putting out freeze warnings for the next two nights. Normally I would have had my garden in by the last week of March. This type of weather is becoming more the rule than the exception.
3:42 PM JoeB wrote ...
Iowa, Call for Al Gore!! He is able to generate a lot of hot air talking about YOUR current problem with "global warming!"
3:36 PM Thomas wrote ...
To Gardener: Even though it is freezing at night, it is warm during the day. I bought my plants a couple weeks ago and just wheel them in at night. Some of the plants I have are now sold out around here.
2:51 PM Stewart wrote ...
Global warming, indeed.
2:33 PM Ross wrote ...
While we are freezing the global warming hysterics are still plotting massive tax increases to fix an imaginary problem.
2:31 PM Scott wrote ...
It's snowing today in North Carolina.
2:25 PM John wrote ...
Ofcourse, it's global warming. You will also have to buy more caron credits because your body uses too much oxygen
2:15 PM Mark wrote ...
We had 71 degrees Sunday and 75 degrees on Monday. The forecast high for Tuesday is 44 with rain/snow followed by overnight lows of 28. Typical schizophrenic Spring weather in Pocatello.
2:03 PM D. Smith wrote ...
There are a lot of people in Iowa that would like to see this so called "Global Warming"!!!!!
2:01 PM Bob wrote ...
This Global warming is freezing me to death !
1:45 PM Andrew wrote ...
Must be all that global warming cooling things down.
1:42 PM Margeaux wrote ...
In Port Huron, Michigan on Sun April 13,2008, we woke up to a blanket of snow! Cuddle alert.
1:41 PM killerbee wrote ...
I tried to get to the Global Warming rally in Detroit but with the snow we had on April 13 the roads were too dangerous. I did say hi to my golf clubs in the basement.
1:31 PM Adrian Vance wrote ...
If you look at the last 600,000 years of weather as recorded in ice and sea bottom mud cores you will see that we at the fourth peak in a very regular 120,000 year cycle and are overdue to fall into a deep ice age. God bless global warming.
1:05 PM Mike M. wrote ...
With the acceleration of human CO2 output in the last ten years,( with Canada and most European signers of Kyoto having gone well over their CO2 limits and paying heavy fines as a result by the way), liberals are becoming ever so more hard pressed to explain why 'global warming' seems to have stopped? Plants are green; most all plants love having more CO2 - a LOT more....
1:04 PM Aaron wrote ...
This is by far not the latest spring! In 2001, Des Moines still had snow on the ground until May 5th. This past weekend's snow was only one day later than last winter's last snow.
12:43 PM Donna wrote ...
AHHHHHH! You are not alone. Is that any comfort? We in the Puget Sound south of Seattle have had ONE spring day: April 12. The weather changed immediately on April 13 - and onward to today and the rest of the week. Wind, rain and just plain cold. Coldest spring (?) in memory. Who is controlling the weather? Surely not global warming is it? DUH!
12:27 PM Patrick Henry wrote ...
Must be due to global warming.
12:22 PM Mark wrote ...
We seem to have turned the corner. Instead of going up, temperatures are now heading down. We should hurry and pass anti-global warming laws and carbon taxes before bitter rural Americans figure out what is happening.
12:18 PM Lew wrote ...
$40 billion a year spent on "global warming" and the weather still stays cold! The global average temperature has not changed over the past 100 years, our atmosphere is a fluid and what is cold here may be warm elsewhere. Solar activity goes up and down and moisture ladened air can miss us or flood us. Our global temperatures are very predictable, changes up and down, always. Nothing we can do to "fix it". Carbon dioxide makes you garden green but does not trap heat in our atmosphere.
11:42 AM Terry Lee wrote ...
With impending global cooling forcasted by many reputable scientists and meterologists over the next 10 years, I fear plant businesses may suffer some. Hopefully they are incorrect and there will actually be severe global warming so the planting business can flourish like never before.
10:57 AM Rex wrote ...
Yes it is the climate change! We must do something about global warming before we all freeze to death! You humans are so silly. Give a chimp a few extra chromosomes, sit back and watch the fun!
10:42 AM Walt Cunningham wrote ...
Must be that durn human-induced global warming.
10:40 AM Glenn wrote ...
More proof of global warming. NOT!
10:19 AM Thomas wrote ...
I'm only 40 and I remember spring coming this late before. It hasn't happened lately, but it has happened. The last snow sometimes comes in mid-April around here.
9:47 AM George wrote ...
You have seen it this cold this late before; you just don't remember when last it happened. This time in 10 years you will say the same thing when the temperatures are warm enough to start planting plants.
9:12 AM sullinsea wrote ...
My first spring in the upper midwest around St. Cloud, MN was 1971. We planted a vegetable garden in early to mid May. I went to NJ to visit family. When I returned on June 1st we had to replant the garden - there had been 6 inches of snow on Memorial Day.
8:38 AM S Walker wrote ...
Why can’t the weather just stay the same everyday. It’s all mans fault.
8:21 AM wrote ...
Have they forgotten last May? Many plants and fruit trees (buds) were lost to a a May frost/freeze TMW. Newton
6:49 AM Bubba wrote ...
To be expected this year and for the next 3 or 4 years. We're at the low point - beginning - of the current Solar Cycle, which has been unusually calm so far - almost no sunspots. So less heat is hitting the planet. No big deal. Happens every 11 years or so.
6:32 AM Don Phillips wrote ...
Can you imagine how cold it would be if it wasn't for "Global Warming"?
8:48 PM A Gardener wrote ...
Don't buy your flowers now and put them in the garage! They need light. I went to Peck's and put a hold on the plants I want and will pick them up when the weather warms. Sounds like the buy now advice is designed just to sell more plant material. Seriously, it's crazy to plant tender things now. Right now is the time to plant onions, strawberries, tougher cold tolerant plants.

Your Happy Friend,
John "Uncle" Galt

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:33 pm
by Savonarola
We've made your reasoning look completely idiotic before; why do you refuse to learn?

If little Johnny in my class gets test scores of 98%, 95%, 99%, 98%, and 96%, and then scores a 50% on a quiz, do we conclude that Johnny is a typical failing student who doesn't deserve to pass?

But no, your reasoning is even more stupid. If little Johnny's entire class scores within the range of 92% to 100% for six tests, then little Johnny scores a 50% on a ten-point quiz, do we declare that the entire class has failed because the single score of 50% is more representative of the class's performance? Because that's what you're saying by taking the anomalous datum point and ignoring the countless others.

Do you have any arguments that don't make you look like an absolute dolt?

Galt may have a point

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:01 pm
by Abel
Seems like Galt is really annoying the big 3. Could it be that he/she is right and GW is a fraud pushed by the ultra-liberals among us.?


Re: Galt may have a point

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:40 pm
by Savonarola
Abel wrote:Seems like Galt is really annoying the big 3. Could it be that he/she is right and GW is a fraud pushed by the ultra-liberals among us.?
Do you have any reasoning behind this assertion?

It seems your reasoning is as stupid as Galt's (which -- let's face it -- is pretty hard to match in stupidity). If I react with shock and derision in response to dumbass arguments that the earth is flat, does that mean that a round earth is an anti-Biblical fairy tale?

Instead of continuing to make these flippant, non-substantive jabs, can you provide any support for your arguments or any responses to my critiques of your typical rightwing hot air?

Re: Galt may have his head up his ass

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:59 pm
by Dardedar
Abel wrote:Seems like Galt is really annoying... Could it be that he/she is right...?
Yes. It could be. But to convince a reasonable person, it would be necessary to provide good evidence and persuasive reasons supporting such a claim.
Putting up a post that gives anecdotes about a cold Spring in Iowa just reveals that the person who would submit such a post is embarrassingly misinformed about the subject of global warming.

They also reveal once again that they are too stupid to learn how to put such a post in the science section.

Response from A Few Things I'll Considered, their How to talk to a Sceptic guide.


There was an unusual cold snap in Wagga Wagga today (or where ever), this is proof that there is no Global Warming.

Does this even deserve an answer? If you must...


The temperature of one place at one time is just weather, and says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less again Global Climate Change.

see also here




Re: Warming: Iowa experiences coldest Spring

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:45 am
by Dardedar
Uncle Galt wrote:Iowa experiences coldest Spring in decades!
I checked:

"Iowa City's weather records...

Crunching the numbers from 130 temperature-recording and 170 precipitation-recording sites, this is so far the 26th coldest and 26th snowiest winter of the 136 years for which records exist, Hillaker said."


Iowa had a lot of snow this year. That's nice.

Oops, checked a bit more.

Not that it means anything regarding GW... but it is interesting to post the following for the simple enjoyment of noting that the anecdotal stories of your farmers (I am guessing, I didn't read them) is trumped by the actual measurements taken, or what us Freethinkers like to call REALITY.

Galt posts, Dar roasts:

Feeling the Heat: Temperatures in Iowa on the Rise

New Report: Temperatures in Iowa on the Rise

July 24, 2007

Des Moines, Iowa—The average temperature in Des Moines was 3.5°F above average in 2006, according to a new report released today by Environment Iowa. Environment Iowa said this warmer-than-normal weather is indicative of what Iowa can expect with continued global warming.

According to the National Climatic Data Center, the 2006 summer and 2006 overall were the second warmest on record for the lower 48 states. 2007 is on track to be the second warmest year on record globally.

To examine recent temperature patterns in the United States, Environment Iowa compared temperature data for the years 2000-2006 from 255 weather stations located in all 50 states and Washington, DC with temperatures averaged over the 30 years spanning 1971-2000, or what scientists call the “normal” temperature.

Key findings for Iowa include:

• In 2006, the average temperature was 3.5°F above normal in Des Moines. Nationally, the average 2006 temperature was at least 0.5°F above normal at 87% of the locations studied.

• Waterloo experienced average minimum temperatures — the lowest temperatures recorded on a given day, usually at night — of 2.6°F above normal in 2006 and 1.1°F above normal during the 2006 summer. Warmer nighttime temperatures exacerbate the public health effects of heat waves, since people need cooler nighttime temperatures to recover from excessive heat exposure during the day.

• Dubuque’s above-average temperatures in 2006 are part of a broader warming trend since 2000. Between 2000 and 2006, the average temperature was 1.2°F above the 30-year average in Dubuque. Nationally, the average temperature during this seven year period was at least 0.5°F above normal at 87% of the locations studied.


So we see once again that even when Galt uses a completely bogus argument against GW, he can't even begin to get it off the ground because doesn't know how to get his facts straight. Amazing.

So glad you're here Galt.


WOW! A full 1 half of 1 degree in 100 years.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:37 am
by Uncle Galt
WOW what a great chart- it looks from 1900 we have gone from -.1 to the year 2000 to .45 that is an amazing, world ending rise of ...... Half a degree in 100 LONG YEARS.

Of course temperatures have been rising since the last ice age and your silly chart does not take into effect the "heat island" effect of hundreds of temperature stations being surrounded by heat absorbing concrete and tree removal, since hundreds of these temperature stations are not in rural areas like 1900....THEY are now in urban areas.

Responsible scientists know that most of the current rise in temperatures is simply due to the heat island effect, to extrapolate over the entire world is a liberals chance to rule the world! (Hey - sea levels have been rising for thousands of years too)

Uncle Galt

Re: WOW! A full 1 half of 1 degree in 100 years.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:05 am
by Doug
Uncle Galt wrote:WOW what a great chart- it looks from 1900 we have gone from -.1 to the year 2000 to .45 that is an amazing, world ending rise of ...... Half a degree in 100 LONG YEARS.

Of course temperatures have been rising since the last ice age
Ice age? How can there be an ice age if Iowa had a hot summer in the last decade?

Are you just in denial? You must be a liberal!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:32 am
by Dardedar
Okay little one. You have made several assertions. Now make the effort to try and:

a) back one of them up with evidence and references
b) show why it is important to, and affects, the issue of GW

I am not about to do the work for you (that is build your little skeptical case) and then also do the really easy part of knocking it down. Do I have to do everything around here?

Well okay, you talked me into it.
WOW what a great chart- it looks from 1900 we have gone from -.1 to the year 2000 to .45...
Look at the chart again little one. You're cherry-picking. For instance, if one were to look from 1910 to 2006 one would see a change of: -.3 to .6, a change twice twice as large as the one you try to select.

The correct answer is: There has been an observed "warming of approximately 0.6° -0.8°C over the last century."

Why that is important appears to be over your head at the moment. We'll do baby steps.

Another picture:

Of course temperatures have been rising since the last ice age
Prove it. Starting a sentence with "of course" doesn't give it more weight.


"For the past 2.5 million years the climate has oscillated between interglacials which were (at most) a little warmer than today and glacials which were considerably colder than today. There is no precedent in the past 2.5 million years for so much warming so fast. The ecosystem has had 2.5 million years to adapt to glacial-interglacial swings, but we are asking it to adapt to a completely new climate in just a few centuries."

...and your silly chart does not take into effect the "heat island" effect
You mean NASA's silly chart.

You don't know what you are talking about. Remedy provided below.
Hey - sea levels have been rising for thousands of years too)
Reference please.


ps Oh, I noticed you didn't mention anything about the rising temperature of Iowa in this response. I wonder why?

pps Readers please note the similarity of having exchanges with a religious fundamentalist, and a GW skeptic fundamentalist. They are true believers. When spanked on one point, they ignore it and simply go down their little faith based list.
Regarding a "Heat Island effect." Let your education begin here:

"The apparent rise of global average temperatures is actually an illusion due to the urbanization of land around weather stations, the Urban Heat Island effect."

Warming Due to Urban Heat Island Effect

The Surface Temperature Record and the Urban Heat Island

No man is an (Urban Heat) Island


All things considered, the peer reviewed science shows the Urban Heat Island effect to be:

"0.006°C per decade since 1900 for land, and 0.002°C per decade since 1900 for blended land with ocean, as ocean UHI is zero."

Fourth Assessment Report from the IPCC (2007: p.244)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:39 am
by Dardedar

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:48 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Having lived in WI, I'd say that anyone who says you should be gardening in March is IA is making things up. You have to be careful what you put out in March if you're gardening in AR, for pete's sake! (Expect at least one heavy frost in April, even now when the "pros" are telling you it's OK to put out tomato plants in mid April instead of the 1st of June as they did back in the 1970s.)

Another minor point the GW deniers don't seem to get - or maybe it's just gullable southerners - lake-effect snow. Many places in the northern states are getting lots more snow than "normal" - not because it's colder, but because the lakes aren't freezing solid due to global warming. With the lakes still liquid, the water evaporates and then there's heavy snow downwind - frozen lakes lock up the water, so less snow.