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Clinton camp calling Obama too Liberal

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:31 pm
by Tony
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign has also started slapping the L-word on Obama, warning that his appeal among moderate voters will diminish as they become more aware of liberal positions he took in the past, such as calling for single-payer health care and an end to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. "The evidence is that the more [voters] have been learning about him, the more his coalition has been shrinking," Clinton strategist Mark Penn said.
See it here: Sav reminds Tony to shorten his links

Man! No doubt, Obama is left of Hillary, especially since her new makeover as a moderate/conservative Democrat (who knows where she ends up, wherever the polls tell her I'm sure).

Then, last Friday, Good old Bill did his best Sean Hannity impersonation saying that it would be nice if two patriotic candidates like McCain and Hillary NOT Obama were running.

My question my fellow lefties is: Just how far to the right do you think the Clintons will go to win another election?

More fuel for the fire. Oh, and Darrel, why do you keep posting porn-spam on the FF site? :wink:

Re: Clinton camp calling Obama too Liberal

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:27 am
by Dardedar
Tony wrote:
...warning that his appeal among moderate voters will diminish as they become more aware of liberal positions he took in the past, such as calling for single-payer health care and an end to the U.S. embargo against Cuba.
That's bizarre. I would like to see the quote where they supposedly said this. The article, curiously didn't give it.
More fuel for the fire. Oh, and Darrel, why do you keep posting porn-spam on the FF site? :wink:
For your collection!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:57 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
1) that's funny, considering Hillary's voting record, bills submitted to the Senate, and plans should she become president are all more progressive than Obama's. I'm with Darrel about seeing the quote - in fact, I'd like to see the entire speech.

2) The only way the Clintons have been able to - sometimes - get Obama to address the "C-in-C cred" issue, is by bringing McCain into the mix. Because of her standing on military committees in the Senate, and her sponsoring of bills like the one to give equal military benefits to deployed Reservists and National Guard, she is accepted by the military and most of America as having C-in-C cred. Obama has only once addressed that issue, rather than just attacking the Clintons for "endorsing" McCain. (And of course they are proposing a general election of Hillary - NOT Obama - v. McCain - she IS running for this, remember. Just because Obama people seem to think she should be campaigning for Obama...)