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Anti-evolutionists fearing own sources

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:03 am
by Savonarola
Several months ago, outspoken evolution proponent and respected biology professor P.Z. Myers -- who writes the award-winning blog Pharyngula -- was interviewed for a movie about evolution.

What he wasn't told was that the working title of the movie was a ruse. It is actually a project backed by Ben Stein as an anti-evolution, pro-ID diatribe. Myers has no idea how his words have been edited, removed from context, or twisted by these traditionally deceitful hacks.

So Myers showed up to watch a screening of the movie. Check out his blog for the story.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:08 am
by Savonarola
What is really not surprising but is worth pointing out is that they're happy to lie to PZ in order to interview him, but they're so afraid of him even seeing the movie that they were on the lookout for him at the screening.

I'm leaving out the really funny part in case any of you try to read this before following the link above.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:01 am
by Doug
Funny ending to the story!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:59 pm
by Dardedar
Amazing. Mr. Myers had this comment quoted in a Christianity Today article:
Myers wrote that he caught up with D...... and friends after the film, "which I hear is not only boring and poorly made, but is ludicrous in its dishonesty. Apparently, a standard tactic is to do lots of fast cuts between biologists like me or Dawkins or Eugenie Scott and shots of Nazi atrocities. It's all very ham-handed. The audience apparently ate it up, though. Figures. Christians have a growing reputation for their appreciation of dishonesty."
An update on the story here.