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Obama's Pastor is a MAJOR Problem

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:51 pm
by Doug
Barack Obama's pastor quits campaign after explosive 9/11 remarks

Barack Obama's firebrand former pastor and religious adviser has quit the candidate's presidential campaign team as the Illinois senator desperately tried to distance himself from explosive remarks by his long-time spiritual mentor.

Rev Jeremiah Wright is "no longer serving on the African American Religious Leadership Committee", a spokesman said in a brief statement as Mr Obama attempted to deal with the most serious crisis in his bid for the Democratic nomination.

Barack Obama and Rev Jeremiah Wright

He also hastily arranged a series of late-night television interviews to denounce the "inflammatory and appalling" remarks of the man who inspired his Audacity of Hope memoir and the speech to the 2004 party convention that brought him to national attention.

Footage of Mr Wright's fiery sermons dominated television network coverage after tapes were acquired from the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where Mr Obama has worshipped for 20 years.

The clips show the preacher railing against Hillary Clinton because of her race, comparing Mr Obama to Jesus and blaming America for the Sept 11, 2001, terror attacks.

In one sermon he takes aim at former US president Bill Clinton's supposedly good relationship with the black community. "Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain't! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty," the clergyman boomed.

See here.=============================

Obama claims that he was never present when the pastor made the inflammatory remarks we are seeing on TV. People are checking this. If this is not true, Obama is in real trouble.

In any case, it is unlikely that this pastor's remarks in this vein are limited to ONLY those we have seen on TV. Obama sat there for years listening to this guy and honoring him, having the guy officiate at his marriage, baptising the kids, etc. etc. It is absurd to think that he can distance himself from this guy at this late stage.

Last year, Obama told the pastor NOT to speak at his kickoff event at the church to launch his campaign. So Obama knew that this guy says things of the sort that are being played in the media now.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:00 pm
by Dardedar
If you think his preacher is goofy (and he is), try these:

Obama's Bra 54 Double "D"

Screaming farting preacher

Mrs. Farting preacher

Gee ya think?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:00 pm
by John Galt
As I thoughtfully warned you last week- with a post that was sneered at as spam.

Obama's pastor is hate spewing FREAK. (that is being kind)

It is funny how liberalism is a key component of your brand of atheism, You folks hate GW Bush in part because he is a religious man- Now you are concerned that the Rev. Wrong may be a mere problem.

If Pres Bush or Hillary C. attended church for 20 years with a zealot like Rev. Wrong you folks would have been melting the internet with your opinions.

Wow what a sad double standard. McCain has already won folks.

Your happy friend,

John Galt

Re: Gee ya think?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:06 am
by Dardedar
John Galt wrote:As I thoughtfully warned you last week- with a post that was sneered at as spam.
You might try being accurate. When I said, and I quote: "I delete spam more interesting (not even counting the porn spam) than the junk he [Galt] posts and runs from." I was obviously referring to the quality all of your posts and the fact that you run, like a yellow-bellied coward, from defending all of it.
Obama's pastor is hate spewing FREAK. (that is being kind)
There is a name for what you are doing here. It's called projection.
It is funny how liberalism is a key component of your brand of atheism,
It isn't at all. Atheism has nothing whatsoever to do with liberalism, and vice versa. You're not very smart are you?
You folks hate GW Bush in part because he is a religious man-
Actually, if you take a moment to look around this forum you will find a great many, perhaps hundreds, of detailed and well referenced reasons given for disliking GW Bush. I gave nine really good reasons you ran from in this thread, sixth post down. However, just to point out once again how utterly wrong you are, not once will you find on this forum with it's nearly 10,000 posts, anyone condemning GW Bush, even in part, "because he is a religious man."
Now you are concerned that the Rev. Wrong may be a mere problem.
If Pres Bush or Hillary C. attended church for 20 years with a zealot like Rev. Wrong you folks would have been melting the internet with your opinions.
Politically, having a pastor that is more nutty than usual is a problem for Obama, as he has admitted. To condemn Obama for the beliefs or comments or someone else is an ad hominem fallacy. It's called guilt by association. You might read about this here:

Or not.
Wow what a sad double standard.
Hmmm. Some people, not me, make a lot out of the fact that McCain has sought and received the endorsement of a religious nut named Hagee. You have a problem with that? I didn't think so. That would be guilt by association too.

You might try condemning Obama for beliefs he holds and comments he has made. What have you got? Nothing.


Re: Gee ya think?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:52 am
by Doug
John Galt wrote: Obama's pastor is hate spewing FREAK. (that is being kind)
I say that the pastor, as a hatemonger, should be condemned.

Just as Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity should be condemned. They spread falsehoods and preach hatred. Just like Obama's spiritual advisor.

But does the right-wing condemn Coulter, Limbaugh, and Hannity? No, they revere them. A sad double standard.
John Galt wrote:Now you are concerned that the Rev. Wrong may be a mere problem.
A mere problem? As opposed to what I said: A Major problem?

You aren't a very good liar, Galt. Anyone who saw the name of this thread can see that you are distorting the truth. As per usual.

Do you have any conservative friends with some modicum of intelligence, Galt? If so, tell them to come here to this forum and debate us. Give us a challenge.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:11 am
by LaWood
Earth to Galt:

The fictional character whose name you have chosen to emulate was
an atheist. Got it yet?

Re: Gee ya think?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:30 am
by Dardedar
John Galt wrote: Obama's pastor is hate spewing FREAK. (that is being kind)

The nut on the left is John Hagee. A blurb:
In an interview that will appear in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, controversial televangelist Rev. John Hagee declares, “It’s true that [John] McCain’s campaign sought my endorsement.”

McCain has attempted to distance himself from some of Hagee’s views, much as Barack Obama is doing in relation to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But unlike McCain, Obama has not stood on stage with Wright and accepted his accolades this year.

Interviewed by Deborah Solomon, Hagee refused to discuss his statement that Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for a gay rights parade in New Orleans, calling it “so far off-base.”