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Hidden Costs to the War in Iraq -- The Problems We Face

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:44 pm
by Dardedar
Hidden Costs to the War in Iraq -- The Problems We Face

Posted January 28, 2008 | 08:59 AM (EST)

I make routine visits to our troops in the field and to those recovering at our military hospitals. I'm inspired by their service and dedication to this great country. But, the America they serve and protect today is far different than the America that existed prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

In just a few weeks, we will mark the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. Five years later, the political and economic situation on the ground has changed little, while the rest of the world, including the United States, has changed significantly.

We are familiar with the visible costs associated with the war in Iraq and the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform and their families are making. We've lost nearly 4,000 troops, over 28,700 have been wounded and we have appropriated over $535 billion. But, we are less familiar with the hidden costs, and these will have long-term consequences. Every penny of the $535 billion we've appropriated thus far has been borrowed, meaning that the same Americans sacrificing in Iraq today will be paying for this borrowed war for the rest of their lives. It is estimated that the long-term costs of injuries alone will be at least a further $300 billion.

Since the war began, the international credibility and respect of the United States has plummeted while instability has grown throughout the region. We've seen a dramatic rise in the economic, military and global influence of both Russia and China. An emboldened Iran seeks to more aggressively assert influence in the region. Our NATO allies are unwilling or unable to provide an additional 3,000 troops for Afghanistan. And the price of oil has climbed from $27.18 per barrel before the war began to $92.82 today.

Here at home, we are borrowing $343 million every day to finance the war in Iraq while shortchanging our domestic needs. The American economy is slipping towards a recession as our housing market and financial sector are experiencing serious crises. Gas at the pump has increased from $1.76 per gallon before the war began to its current price of $3.07 per gallon. Our national debt has ballooned by $2.75 trillion, increasing by nearly $1 million per minute, while the value of the American dollar relative to other currencies has plummeted.

In the military, we have seen a deterioration of readiness, equipment and recruitment standards. We are not able to maintain the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan without breaking the military's own guidelines. Before the Iraq war, 80 percent of all Army units and almost 100 percent of active-duty combat units were rated at the highest level of military readiness. Just the opposite exists today. Virtually all of our active-duty combat units in the United States, and all of our guard units, are rated not combat-ready. This means that we can not sustain the current troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan let alone provide a credible deterrent to other potential adversaries.

In order to meet recruitment goals, the Army is accepting a higher percentage of recruits who would previously have been disqualified from service because of the lack of a high school diploma, a previous criminal record, drug or alcohol problems or a health condition. Since the invasion of Iraq, the percentage of Army recruits with a high school diploma has decreased from 94 percent to 71 percent. Before the war began, 4.6 percent of Army recruits required a waiver for a criminal record; today that figure has risen to 11.2 percent.

As I've said before, our ground forces in the United States simply do not have their required equipment, and the equipment of our ground forces overseas is wearing out. It will take years and tens of billions of dollars to rehabilitate this equipment and to re-equip the force. The Air Force operates and maintains a fleet of aircraft with an average age of 24 years. When I left Vietnam in 1967, the average age of our aircraft was 8.5 years. The Navy's current shipbuilding request is grossly inadequate to meet the goal of a 313 ship fleet while maintaining our naval superiority.

I haven't even mentioned the fiscal challenges we face with health care, education, infrastructure, and the Medicare and Social Security programs.

These aren't Democratic problems or Republican problems. These are American problems.

Our next President and the American people must understand that it will require tremendous resources and strong bipartisan and international cooperation to begin to solve these problems. The future of our great country depends on it.


From the comment section:


Congressman Murtha, as a victim/veteran of the Nixon-Kissinger Fig Leaf Contingent (Vietnam 1970-72) I simply could not believe how you and other Vietnam Veterans in Congress (like Senators John Kerry and John McCain, et al) let a draft-dodging dyslexic dwarf chimpanzee like Deputy Dubya Bush sell you another Gulf of Tonkin in the Bay of Goats. You keep claiming how badly you feel about our dead and wounded military personnel, but you apparently don't feel badly enough to stop sending ever more of them to death and maiming. Frankly, your porkbarrel lust for ever more Warfare Welfare and Make-work Militarism -- i.e., more guns, more tanks, more bullets, more bombs, more dumb officers and enlisted recruits, more, more, more, always more -- makes all your crocodile tears for the American and Iraqi victims of this senseless shit too ludicrous to lampoon.
For your information and edification, Congrssman, America doesn't have too few weapons or too few warriors. America has too many stupid and senseless wars; and it has them because America's bloated and bureaucratic Military-Industrial-Complex simply has nothing worthwhile to do with itself -- as the events of 9/11/2001 glaringly illustrated -- and so ceaselessly agitates for more needless wars in which to "play a role." The fifty states need national guards for natural disaster relief work. America does NOT need a "professional" foreign legion that keeps getting itself into hot water (and bankrupting the nation) every time we deploy it abroad for any length of time longer than a few months. Not for nothing did the Civil War veteran Ambrose Bierce define "Army" as "a class of non-producers who defend the nation by devouring everything that might tempt an enemy to invade." America can't afford your "Army" anymore, Congressman. Start cutting it by 25% oer year and don't stop until someone in the Pentagram learns to hire an accountant who can tell us taxpayers where every last damn wasted dollar has gone, who got it, and for what."

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:25 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Here's another LTE I submitted yesterday - again, don't know when or if...

"Invading another country is wrong. When it’s been done to us, we’ve fought back. When other countries have done it elsewhere, we’ve joined the fight against them. It’s just wrong. So we need to get out of Iraq, a country we invaded, because it’s the right thing to do. But even if it weren’t the right thing to do, we need to get out of Iraq because we can’t afford $275,000,000/day in borrowed money.

"Our current debt is $9 trillion ($9,000,000,000), almost half foreign. That’s $30,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. My taxes, my INCOME, won’t cover that. If my income taxes went only to pay the debt and not into the general operating budget, it would still take 15 or more years to pay off my “share” of the debt. America is in the same situation as many, if not most, of her citizens. She’s been buying things she doesn’t need with money she doesn’t have – and one of the most expensive unnecessary things she’s buying is the Iraqi invasion/occupation. (And part of that cost is not money, but military readiness.)

"We need to bring our kids home – and take care of them – right now. Get rid of all those no-bid contracts and rebuild our forces so they once again are independent in the field (no more, “Did the Halliburton truck show up?” when they need food, fuel, ammo or armor). It will cost less to do it ourselves, and we’ll be safer."

The upset poster at the bottom doesn't realize how small our military currently is - over half the "troops" in Iraq are mercenaries. Cutting the Defense budget is a good thought - even though doing so without planning how to create replacement jobs is not - but cutting "no-bid" contracts and getting rid of the mercenaries is just the first order of business. We need to rebuild our military into an independent force. Right now troops in the field are dependent on the "Halliburton truck" for food, fuel, arms, ammo, and armor - which is why Dems keep voting funding. They know who will go short if W doesn't get it, and it won't be Halliburton.